[Oneshot] Injury

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Mythro escapes from the Abyss, and then a robot finds him

Mythro escaped the Abyss and was now running away from guards that spotted him escape. It was night out and the prison was surrounded by woodland, and though he didn't recognize the forest, it was just a matter of time before he'd out maneuver the guards

—is what he would say if his body was in working order. He was barely out running them, his legs felt like they were going to collapse.

Adrenaline being the only thing keeping him afloat, he runs through the forest. His heart pounding every time he hears the guards.

While running through the trees, his mask got stuck on one of the branches. He decided leave it after he heard the shouts of guards.

He hears a crossbow bolt being fired, and then searing pain in his leg. He screams in pain, muffling it with his hand. Though it wasn't enough to keep him from running.

Despite the bolt being in his leg, adrenaline stopped him from feeling the worst of it. He was turning at every other tree, desperate to get away.

He knows he can't run for much longer, the pain becoming unbearable quickly. So he decides to hide behind a tree, quickly seeing the light from the guards' flashlights.

Panting, he collapses onto the ground. His hand covering his mouth to muffle his whimpers. He can't let them find him, they might just kill him now.

His eyes started to blur, and he blinked rapidly. He was gonna pass out. The impossibly bright light of the flashlight caused him to hyperventilate. His panic increasing tenfold as he felt a hand on his shoulder.


When Mythro came to, it was obvious to him that he wasn't in a prison. The walls were too bright to be the familiar pitch black walls of obsidian and grey cobblestone. The room was too big to be a cell.

Is Plumpkin playing some sort of sick joke?

Before indulging in his thoughts, he tries to stand up, only to be reminded of the bolt in his leg. He winces, deciding to look at the wound. It wasn't as deep as he'd thought, and it seemed to stop bleeding while he was unconscious.

He decided against pulling it out as it would just bleed again. He'd pull it out once he got proper supplies to stop it from bleeding.

With the help of his other leg, he scoots over to a nearby wall and uses it to stand up. He'd probably need to find a med kit or something similar. But for now, he just needed to get away from such an open space.

Using the walls as a makeshift walking stick, he walks around the establishment. He saw a few bots cleaning, finding them a bit impressive, but they either didn't notice or didn't mind him. And he didn't really walk up to any of them to find out.


While looking around, he spots a rolling door with the words 'DAYCARE' written near its frame. He surmises that a place for kids would probably have a med kit somewhere.

Limping towards the entrance, he finds out that the door was unlocked, slightly open even. It's almost like it was recently opened as well.

He peeked into the daycare, realizing that it's just a play area. A med kit would probably be in a babysitter's room, he thinks.

As he's about to fully close the door, he felt a hand on his shoulder. He stood frozen in fear, there's no way he could run.

"Helloooo! New friend!" An excited voice boomed, the tone making it sound almost human. "You sure are up late!"

It was behind him, he couldn't see it. "It's after hours right now! What are you doing at th—"

Mythro started to hear ringing, he couldn't breathe, his vision blurred. He focused on breathing, choosing to deal with one problem at a time.

—! New friend! Your leg is hurt, we should get it treated!" The ringing started to subside as he was gently shook by the thing behind him.

Mythro's breathing quickly turned into hyperventilating. His fear only fueling the panic he's feeling.


Sun talked to the teen in front of it, asking him why he was at the daycare. When he didn't respond after a while, Sun thought of the worst. It started scanning him, looking for any injuries that would make him unable to respond.

"Oh no! New friend! Your leg is hurt, we should get it treated!" Sun panicked as it found a nasty injury on its friend's leg. It gently shook its new friend, slowly realizing that its friend was panicking.

Sun moved in front of the boy, crouching down to meet his face. "Hey! Hey! Listen to me!"

As Sun spoke, the boy shook his head frantically, it seemed like less of a no than it was shaking away a stray thought. His breathing was getting more and more shallow.

Sun noted that his eyes were unfocused and scared, is he seeing something else? "Friend—" Sun grabbed the boy's palms, "—I'm Sun, the daycare attendant. You're at the PizzaPlex's daycare. You're safe here."

The boy didn't seem to hear Sun as he was shaking, desperately trying to free his hands from Sun. Sun could not let go though, he was an injured child therefore a child in peril. It had to help the child, letting go would mean endangering him. Letting go would mean allowing his injury to get worse.

So Sun enveloped him in a bear hug, causing the child to squirm. Sun picked up the child, careful to make sure to not touch his wound.

Sun carried him to its room, taking the long way so it doesn't have to jump up to the balcony. It didn't want to accidentally drop him.

It set its friend on the sofa in its room and quickly went to the first aid station nearby to grab what it needed. It didn't have to worry as the child seemed to calm down on the way, staying put when Sun let go of him.

Sun walked in with a med kit and small tub of water that it set down on the floor. When Sun attempted to pull out the bolt, the child moved his leg away. Ah, he didn't trust Sun

Sun figured that it was because he didn't understand what it was trying to do. "I'm trying to treat your wound, please don't worry." Sun pointed at his leg.

The child reluctantly nodded, moving his leg closer so that Sun would have an easier time. Sun held his leg gently, trying to ease the bolt out. The child grimaced when Sun finally pulled the bolt out, his leg flinching a bit.

Sun moved the tub of water closer, using its contents to clean the wound. Later covering it in an antibiotic and gauze once he dried it with a towel.

All throughout, Sun could tell the child watched intently. And Sun could tell the child would've probably sprinted away if it tried to do anything besides first aid.

After Sun told the child it was done, it stood up to grab a blanket. Sun came back with a dark blue blanket that was a bit thick and handed it to the child.

He seemed confused with the gesture. "You should rest, you seem tired."

Sun patted his head. "We can play once you wake up!" :D

And then the lights turn off /hj

P.s. I refuse to accept that the filthy room I saw in a playthrough is Sun and Moon's actual room

Oh and, exams are next week so no new oneshots next week :p

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