Chapter Eleven: Violence Beings With A Loving Touch

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Whoever carried me back was warm and comforting and strong and smelt like Warsteiner. I sometimes clung to him, making him feel slightly uneasy and then I would drift off to sleep. I was held close for a long time. I don't remember the last time someone carried me for this long, maybe it was because at that time my brain was too small to remember anything. I felt like a baby in his arms, in his strong, caring arms. I wanted to stay there forever, but then again forever was an offly long time. Maybe I just wanted to stay in his arms for this sweet moment and remember this feeling forever. I knew who carried me it was the strong smell of beer that gave it away, Germany. When we arrived home and I could hear the door open and close, I pretend to be asleep just to stay in his arms longer. He carried me down the hall and opened my door slowly, so not to wake me. He walked over to my bed carrying me effortlessly as he placed me down gently. He lingered by me and whispered in my ear.

"I know your awake." My eyes shot opened and I sat up quickly.

"Get out." I ordered him sternly. I didn't blush, which was strange. He sat up away from me.

"No," he responded bluntly. "Not until you tell me what Juliet was doing out there." His words took me aback.

"She got lost," I lied.

"By a concentration camp." My heart sped.

"It's not like she knew where she was." I retorted boldly.

"I guess it's not." I knew he didn't believe me, he was just playing along so not to make anything more uncomfortable for the both of us. He stood up straight and smiled down at me. "Goodnight."

"Night." I responded as I wrapped myself in the sheets. He closed the door behind him as he exited.

My dreams weren't always pleasant nowadays. They always began the same and always ended the same. They we're always peaceful and easy going until they became blood stained nightmares. Today's dream was no exception, it started off in a vast open meadow and flowers were they only thing in sight. They rose up with beautiful buds sprouting here and there and everywhere. I laid back in this case beauty, all by myself. I was alone, but not lonely. I had my creative imagination on my side as it showed me beautiful new worlds and colorful campuses. Then I saw it coming, a figure walking towards me. He was tall and undeniably handsome. His stature was serious and composed, but as he came closer he began to relax and smile. A sincere and kind look that was unfamiliar to me. However I enjoyed this little rendezvous that we had for just a small while. It was beautiful and peaceful, but only for a while. As I stared into his lovely blue eyes I noticed something ever present, they were becoming darker. His lovely zircon aquamarine blue was becoming a deadly dark Bloodstone. His bright smile curved into a bloodstained grin and he looked like something from hell. As I tried crawl back away from him, he advanced and pinned me to the dirt ground. And I screamed. I screamed all the way into reality.


Bursting up from a "good night's sleep" I scanned the room to mske sure I had no visitors. It was quiet for the most part and none of the Axis boys were peacefully laying next to me so all was well. I got up and looked down at myself, I was wearing the same tattered clothes that I feel asleep in and nothing seemed to be unorthodox, which was kind of weird. I got out of bed and walked quietly out of my room closing the door softly so not to wake anyone up. As soon as I turned around a tall pajama-ed German stood before me with his hands folded, I jumped back in shock and my heart skipped a beat.

"Gosh, you scared me." I sighed terrified.

"Vhere vere you going so early in zhe morning." He inquired skeptically.

"I could ask you the same question, pajama boy." I teased. He blushed deeply.

"Vhat is zhat supposed to mean?" He questioned bashfully. I chuckled softly.

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