Chapter Thirteen: Short Intermission Of Tension

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When Carmen came the next day with the rest of the gang, Germany was sleeping. I don't really know if it was fate that was calling or Juliet's amazing planning. And as fate or Juliet's planning might have it, Germany didn't wake until they had long been gone. When he did wake up, I completely avoided him and Juliet basically avoided me. It was a never ending circle of people being avoided and it was starting to get annoying. I finally built up my courage to go and speak with Juliet. As soon as I approached her she pointed down the hall at the tall German who seemed to be perfectly minding his own business.

"No," I responded to her unspoken demand. "Not in a million years."

"If you want any mercy from me, you better have." She stated firmly. "And while you're at it, give him a kiss. He deserves as much since you ruined his life."

"He did that part on his own." I retorted.

"Oh, please," she scoffed. "If you had not come around, he would probably never be interested in any girl."

"What's the that suppose to mean?" I questioned. "He kissed you."

"I kissed him, get that in thick skull." She retorted matter-of-factly.

"Well then, that makes it worse."

"Jealous much." She grinned.

"What, no, never."

"Sure, prove it to me," She pointed once again to him. "Go over and talk to him without blushing."

"I never blush when I talk to him." I retorted. "That's you."

"Prove it." She said.

"Fine." I agreed halfheartedly. I sighed and headed in the direction of him, he sighed heavily when I came within arms reach.

"She told you to come over here, didn't she?" He questioned declaritively.

"Yeah," I sighed. "She forced me."

"You can just smile und turn around," He suggested not looking down at me. "I vill not talk to you."

"Fair enough." I sighed even heavier. I cracked a halfhearted smile and Germany didn't even try to seem satisfied. I left him and retreated back to Juliet's refuge.

"That is a broken man right there." She stated sadly.

"Huh, Tell me about it." I scoffed.

"I'm serious, you broke his heart, you pick up the shattered, tortured, contorted pieces and you put them back together even if it kills you."

"Nope," I responded bluntly. "If I don't like the guy I don't like him, nothing you say will change my mind."

"Fine be that way, but if this blows up, it's going to be in your face, not mine."

"Whatever." I parted from her feeling as if I accomplished nothing, besides establishing more tension, nothing.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 16, 2023 ⏰

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