Chapter Eight: Juliet Aires de Janeiro

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Days went by. Then weeks. I was starting to think I had gotten over Germany and I, the whole idea of it. Sometimes I would stand in front of the mirror and laugh at how silly the whole idea was. It's not even like he would just fall in love with me like some fairy tale. The thought was completely mad. I was completely over Germany and me.

Or so I thought.

It had been four weeks since Germany and I had our little unsettling hardship. Four weeks for me to get over it. Quite frankly, I had. We actually started talking again, just general conversations. About three weeks prior, any word that came out of Germany's mouth directed towards me ended up with him getting slapped or punched (sometimes threatened with a knife). But now I am a little more self controlled. I haven't been participating in any of the military meetings since, and Germany didn't mind much. I always sat by the window with a cup of coffee and watched them train anyway so it was kind of like I was there. Germany, for some reason, would always look towards me, but then of course avert his attention back to the training. I guess he was just being over protective, for reasons I don't understand and probably never will.

It was a mild, cool day. The sun was somewhat hidden under the white and grayish clouds. And the air was not dry and cold as I thought it would be. Instead it was cool and moist. On any day like this, the Axis would do further training and I would find my seat on the large window pane that gave me a clear view of what was going on. Coffee in hand and e/c glued to the training. I was wearing my reading glasses just because I looked cute in them (@_@ boss). Anyways, it was kind of strange on the particular day. For the first time in two weeks, Germany didn't glace at me during military train. I don't now why, but it kind of bugged me. He stayed attentive to the meeting and only the meeting, as if he really don't care about me. I sighed and took the very last sip of my coffee before standing up to place it in the wide silver sink. I walked back warily to the window and looked out to see that training had ended, early. Germany never ended any military training early, not ever. It was as if war was a hobby to him, one he was dedicated to prevail in. So why end training early? As I tried to decide the possible explanations as to why he would do such a thing, the front door opened. In came Italy and Japan both sweaty and tired.

"Hello boys." I greeted woefully, a grin forming on my lips. In that instant Italy collapsed to the floor. My grin was immediately shattered as I stood up abruptly to help the injured Italy who laid unconsciously on the floor. I looked down at him and was about to start CPR when Japan pulled me up softly by the shoulders.

"Don't waste your breafth." He began. "Itary rill be fine." I leaned back and petted Italy's forehead. Then stood up and lazily returned to my spot by the window. A woman in her early twenties had just walked up to Germany and he looked attentive at her. She was beautiful. Long wavy auburn brown hair that swayed smoothly down her shoulders and ended below her chest. Her eyes were like fiery crystal orbs shining a turquoise blue like the costal waters of the Caribbean sea. She was tall, taller than me, but shorter than Germany. Her skin was a rich cream that was stained with sugared cinnamon. In other words it was the color of caramel on a hot, summers day. Lovely and beautiful she was. A ray of sun that burned through all the dark that rose up in her wake. For such an attractive woman, she wore non-flashy clothing. It was a simple flower patterned, halter necked dress with a small ruffled hem. When she saw Germany, she embraced him with a warm hug. He hugged her back but only because she wouldn't let go of him until he did. I felt something in the depth of my heart, was it sadness? Envy? Jealousy? I shook my head violently as if to discard the thought. Why would I be jealous? I kept looking at the woman and Germany as they continued to talk. I could not comprehend their conversation from the distance I stood and I was still confused about who she was.

"Japan, do you know who she is?" I question giving a slight nod in the direction of the female.

"No, I don't." He responded. I looked back at Italy who was snoring without a care in the world.

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