Chapter Nine: Italy and Juliet

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I woke up to be greeted by the sunlight through the window and a body that laid beside me. I wanted to scream out at first for I thought my guest was Germany. When i took a better look at the body, I realised that the person that I slept beside me was not big and buff like Germany, nor did they have the body of a male. And then I noticed the flowing long hair; it was Juilet. I sighed and looked down at her sleeping face, I still can't believe how worked up a got over her and Germany. It's none of my business what Juilet and him do, in fact, why should I care? I don't like, or love, him so it shouldn't matter. It's not my problem if he likes her, maybe it's better if he had someone to be with that loves him. I guess that means that I'm not needed here anymore, since he has Juliet. I turned and looked down at her and sighed.

I sat up to leave, just to clear my head, but something pulled on the helm of my tee shirt. I looked back down at my guest as she attempted pull me back down.

"Don't go mommy," She must have been dreaming, but I could see tears on her face. "Please don't go." But I'm not your mother. My expression was sunken when I realised it, perhaps she had some hard times in her own past. I got back in bed with her and she hugged me close. Dispite how odd it was, it was comforting. Extremely comforting, and I drifted back to sleep.


"Germany," Italy spoke a bit sadly. "I wanted to go bike riding with Juilet."

"Ze bike ride is over anyvays so don't get all upset about it." Germany said as he shuffled through a pile of paper.

"But, why couldn't I come, ________ got to go." Italy inquired.

"She vould've shown you somezhing you vould regret seeing." He responded grimly.

"Well we didn't have to lie to her." Italy began. "We could have told her we didn't want to come."

"Zhen she would have insisted zhat we come." Germany explained. "Like she insisted on kissing me." Italy's face burned red.

"Juilet....kissed you?" He looked extremely shocked.

"Ja," Germany kept staring down at his work. Italy's eyes watered. He loved her. He had known Juilet longer than Germany. But why, why didn't she ever see it? Dispite his efforts dispite everything. He turned and stormed out slamming the door. Germany sighed as he continued his work.

"Italy you can be such a fool vhen it comes to love." He said to himself as he continued his work. But maybe he was a fool as well, maybe he was a fool to love himself. He sighed and pushed the thought aside. Maybe he was as foolish as Italy was when it came to love.



Waking up twice in one morning was a complete and absolute drag. I sat up ever so slowly wishing that I could just go back to sleep. I looked to my right and saw Juilet wasn't there. She must have woken up earlier than me. I stood up from the bed and stretched, feeling a bit aching and extremely tired, although not the kind of tired to make you fall asleep. I looked at myself in the mirror and sighed before grabbing a sweater from my disastrous closet. I remeber all the clothes I had back home, they were extremely nice. Maybe I should go back. But I couldn't, my heart wouldn't let me.

I tried especially hard to disgard my troubling thoughts and think on the bright side of things, Germany had found someone dear to him, Juliet, and that was just what he needed, someone he loved. I slipped on my sweater after disgarding my other clothing, I wasn't in the mood for a shower this morning, in fact I had better plans for the morning commute, maybe I would go and see how Italy was, and maybe even ask for him to make us some pasta. I smiled at the way I thought about Italy, maybe I liked him after all. I twisted the knob to my door and then ventured down the hall to where Italy's room was. As I walked I came to Germany's study, I sighed. The door was closed which meant he was inside, but I hesitated to twist the knob for I feared that he had company. I continued to walk down the hall, until I came to the first door before the kitchen; Italy's room. I knocked on it two times then waited. No response. I tried again a bit harder. No response. I sighed and knocked harder.

"Italy it's me." I called to him. When I heard a soft crying sound, I knew something was wrong. "Italy?" I say softer. "Are you okay?" Without any response I decided to twist the knob and push it open. Laying in a tent made of covers was Italy, his entire body was hidden by another blanket, besides his outrageous curl. I ran to his side and tried to touch him kindly, but he flinched backwards.

"What's wrong?" I questioned kindly.

"I want to trust her, I want to love her, but she won't let me." Great, he was playing the pronoun game.

"Who?" I questioned, then realized there was only one other girl in this complex that he interacted with commonly. "Juilet?" He pulled his blanket from off of his head and looked into my eyes. His face was red, extremely red. They held the same color of embarrassment that I held when I looked at Germany in that way.

"Yes." He answered quietly. I smiled at him, he was so adorable. The fact that he was in love only made him cuter, but I didn't see him like that, he was just s friend.

"If you like her, tell her." I told him simply. "She doesn't acknowledge you because she doesn't know that you acknowledge her?"

"But she kissed him!" Again with the pronoun game.

"Kissed who?!" Then I remembered what happened yesterday, and my eyes fell downwards. "Germany?" My voice was softer and not as demanding as before. Italy nodded sadly and looked shyly at him.

"I think she's a bit upset about it herself." I reasoned softly. "She did come to my room to comfort me, perhaps she acted on impulse and not that she actually meant to hurt anyone."

"But Germany said-"

"It doesn't matter what he said." I interrupted him. "He's not the one you like." Italy's eyes widened and his face lit up for the first time in the conversation.

"Really? " He questioned.

"Yeah." I told him simply. "Speaking of which, how did Juilet even get in my room? I distinctly remember locking it.

"She probably stole the master key from Germany." He explained briefly.

"There's a master key!" I cried in horror. "That means you nut heads can come in my room anytime you want, even when I'm sleeping! I'm no longer safe!"

"Germany would never do anything like that" Italy assured me.

"Yeah, but he sure is quick to let his own people suffer." I placed my hand over mouth. What the? Where is this coming from? Italy looked at me in confusion.

"He did what?" Italy asked.

"Nothing, " I responded in a whisper. Standing up quickly and looking down at Italy, I forced a smile down at him. "Come on, let's make pasta." He smiled back.

"May I eat with you on the porch?"

"Sure." And we had a wonderful breakfast, or lunch or whatever time of day it was. And through my head danced thoughts of Romeo-er I mean-Italy and Juilet. Juilet and Italy.

Forever and ever.


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