Chapter Four: Meanie Weenie

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"RUN LIKE A MAN!" Germany ordered Italy as he walked at a slow pace far behind us. I looked behind my back to see Italy doing what you call "smelling the roses" then talking to them about pasta, which was strange, even for him.

   "But Germany, how will the roses ever know the goodness in pasta if I never tell them about it." Italy asked sweet-heartedly. 

    Germany sighed. "Zhe roses vill be just fine vithout pasta," He muttered to himself and then picked up speed. I, who was losing my will power really quickly, began to slow down. Gemrnay turned to look back and saw this. He grinned. "Tired already?" He smirked. I rolled my eyes and kept jogging, while Germnay ran. Dag, I thought, how can he run a whole three miles without even stopping for a breath or drink of water. Then I looked back at Italy, who seemed not to care whether he made it or not. Germany,  who was getting tired of Italy's laziness, said something that got him running faster than anyone else.

     "If you don't pick up speed, you'll never eat pasta again." Germany threatened. This made Italy run like crazy. Past me and then past Germany, No one expected that. Even Japan, who sat in the grass playing with a kitten, marveled at the sight. Hey why isn't Japan running, I thought jealously, no fair. Germany looked back at me.

       "Loser gets punished." He warned

       "Hey!" I complained. "That's not fair."

       "Too bad," Germany sped up. We were almost to the finish line . No, I thought, I can't lose. I ran faster,  losing my breath with every step. Finally I caught up with Germany. We were neck and neck, and I was growing faster than him. Yes, I thought, victory is mine! But it wasn't I tripped over a rock and almost fell, but strong arms caught me. Germany, I looked into his gorgeous eyes and almost wanted to kiss him. I felt a tinge of regret build up inside me at my thoughts. What the heck am I thinking?! Germany is WAYYYYYYYY too strict to let me do that. I don't even know why  I would want to do that. When he saw me looking at him like that he flipped me over so I landed on my back in the dirty, sand filled path . I coughed up some blood and  spit it on the ground beside me.

      "WHAT WAS THAT FOR?!" I yelled angrily.

      "You let your guard down, it vas too easy." He teased. After that he practically walked to the finish line.

      "No....No fair." I groaned weakly. He passed the finish line and Italy jumped happily and excited.

      "Germany! Germany! Germany! Germany! Germany!" Italy cheered enthusiastically. I sighed and sat up, my back stinging with pain. I got up, a little too fast and fell back down in the dirt.

     "Germany," I groaned with my last breath of consciousness. He walked to my side and kneeled down. I looked into his eyes. "You're a meanie weenie." I saw him grin before I closed my eyes and let the darkness take over.

Sweet Nothing: Germany x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now