Chapter One: An Unfortunate Meeting With France

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"Daddy," I said. I was so little, those were the days I actually called him that. The days I really, really loved him. "Why can't I talk to France?" He sighed,  then laughed.

"I think you're too young to know why." He responded.

"Oh," I sighed a tad bit disappointed. Then I cheered up again. "What about China and Russia, ooh ooh and Italy, he seems free spirited."

"A little too free spirited,"  My Father remarked.

"And Britain, and Lithuania oh and Canada!" My father laughed.

"You sure do know your people," he said happily. "And no, you can't talk to Russia." I frowned. I hated it when my father held a grudge against others and dragged me into his mess.

"Why not Russia?" I asked innocently.

"Because that guy gives me creeps." He said. "Trust me you'd be way cool without him."

" Okay," I agreed.

  It was such a truly beautiful day. My (h/c) hair whipped in the wind as we sat in the afternoon's sun on a small meadow with wonderful rich flowers. They smelled of floral enrichment that calmed my soul. I often came here when I was upset with my father, usually because he got into war or stuffed down too many hamburgers. But today I was not angry,  nor upset, today I just wanted to talk to him (and ask a million questions ^_^).

It felt very good to talk to him, even though he was a little crazy and acted like a dof sometimes, he loved me. My father stood.

"Come on ______." He began. "Let's go get lunch."

"What's for lunch?" I asked standing next to him.

"Hamburgers, " He replied staring distantly at the meadow.

That was my father for ya'.

That was what he was like



I woke up to the unmistakable sound of America's horrible piano playing. Man, why can't he just leave it to Austria, huh! I thought to myself as I climbed out of bed to confront him. When I got downstairs I saw that my 47 brothers and sisters had already beat me to it.

"Be quiet, father!" One of them yelled.

"Yeah shut up and leave it to Mr. Austria." Said another. See great minds think alike,  I told myself. I turned around to head back upstairs when the door bell rang.

"I'm coming!" I called as I walked towards the door. When I opened it, I saw an absolutely handsome face staring back at me. He had blonde hair that reached his lower neck and was parted in the center of his head and flowed ever so perfectly down. He wore a bright indigo colored long coat and brownish baggy pants that were tucked into brown fur laced high boots. In other words he was gorgeous. I, who was blushing quite noticeably now, did not know who this man was.

"Oh my," he said in a thick French intonation. "So you are ze beautiful child of America zat has been forbidden to see me." Urgh, so this was France.

"I guess so." I said blankly my blush disappearing when I realized who I was talking to. He took my hand and before I could stop him, he began kissing it.

"Such soft skin you have," he said to himself. I pulled my hand away from him.

"Don't you dare, Francis." I warned annoyed. "Now if you'll excuse me, I have work to do." I turned to head back inside the house, but France grabbed my hand and slammed the door shut. "Hey!" I protested as he pulled me far from the door, or any escape for that matter.

"Why leave so soon when you can come play with Francis, huh?" He pulled me to the direction of a truck that sat at the curb just a few feet from the house. I screamed for help, but no one could hear me over the ruckus going on in the big house.

"Zey can't here you," France sang happily as he pulled me away from the house even further and closer to the red truck.

"Lemme go!" I squirmed and tried wiggling out of his grip. Then he pulled me really hard into his arms and held me by my waist.

"Now, now my sweet belle colombe," he cooed sweetly. Then leaned in closer to my ear. "Don't make me have to hurt you." I rolled my eyes.

"You're going to hurt me whether I  fight or not." I said mostly to myself. With that, he spun me around and twirled me into the back seat of his truck. He took thick ropes and tied my hand behind my back with them. He jumped out from the back of the car and put two fingers on his lips then blew me a kiss before sitting in the front seat of the car. He turned around and smiled.

"I almost forgot," he said. "Silly me, letting you see where you're going." He shoved something in my mouth and then I began to gag. In a few seconds, I couldn't breathe as much as I tried to fight it the darkness was taking over and so I let it and the truck sped away.


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