Chapter Twelve: Other Crushers

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"So how was it?" Juliet questioned cheerfully once I had reached safety out of Germany's room. "Did you make up, did you perhaps make up a little too much?" My eyes widened.

"You planed this?!" I questioned in rage.

"Well yeah." She responded shyly. "I was sorry about what happened between me and Germany the other day, and I knew it was the wrong way to approach the right cause and I knew how much you love him--"

"Wrong." I retorted.

"Well care about him," she replaced the word casually. "So I wanted to make it up to you." She then smiled brightly. "So how was it."

"Terrible." I growled between my teeth. "Germany is a real basta--"

"Hello ________!" A sweet and happy voice called from not so far away. I looked over to see Italy prancing through the hall.

"Hey Italy." He came at me with a big bear hug. I awkwardly hugged him back and looked up at Juliet who wore a a huge grin on her face.

"So are you and Italy a thing?" She questioned boldly. Before I could confirm that we weren't, Italy pranced on the opportunity.

"Of course not!" He confirmed frantically. "I'm saving my affection for someone very dear and special to me." I smiled at this, so he hadn't told Juliet yet. I was kind of hoping that he would have already, but you know how much of a procrastinator Italy can so be so he might not confess till the day he's at his death bed. Oh my goodness, he might not confess until the day he dies!!!!!!

"Hey Italy," I began. "Don't you have something to say to Juliet?" He blushed completely pink.

"What's up Feliciano? Is something wrong?" She touched his cheek and he became as red as a tomato.

"Umm, yes." He responded shyly as he placed his hands on hers that were still placed on his cheek and brought them to his lips. Being the Italy he is, and not controlling like a certain German I know, he simply pecked her hand and nothing more. "I've been in love with you ever since we were children. Every time I see your beautiful face, I can't help but feel my heart thumping inside of me. I want to be with you and if anyone tries to stop me, I'll shove over cooked spaghetti down their nose. Even if it's Germany." It was silent for a while, and even my heart was thumping, hoping that they would 'hit it off'.

"That's, the sweetest thing ever." Juliet responded. "I accept." She leaned in and kissed him on the cheek and it became even redder than a tomato.

"Oh Juliet~♡." He sang. "Your lips are so soft~" She blushed.

"Well I think today was a great day, let's get ready for tomorrow."


"This is my oldest cousin Carmen." Juliet introduced me happily to the hit man who would be use in plans a, e, k, n, 1b, 3c, 3d, 3f, 3j, 3v, 3w, 3z, 4--yeah you get the point. "He used in our "'if we get kidnapped plans'." I looked up at him, he was tall, way taller than me around Germany's height but was a lot less muscular. He had messy blonde hair that curled in different directions down his neck and around his forehead. His eyes were that beautiful ocean blue that many 'true Germans', as Hitler would call them, possessed.

"Wait there are plans evolving us getting kidnapped?" I questioned.

"Well yeah," Juliet responded calmly. "Weren't you paying attention? There's even thirteen plans evolving us dying and twenty plans evolving us getting shot."

"What?!" I cried.

"Don't worry, I have plans to avoid that as much as possible and we still have a while to prepare before the time is right."

Sweet Nothing: Germany x ReaderOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora