Chapter sixteen

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A sudden coolness was what woke Naruko. Sleepy sapphire gazed at the indent left in the silver sheets before memories of the previous night made her flush in embarrassment and in turn grimace in guilt.

I should apologise to him...but what do I say? Should I tell him the truth?

With a tired sigh she rose and quickly dressed in a pale green kimono. She run her hand through the intamable mess that was her hair before giving up and leaving the room.

She supressed a shiver as she looked down the empty hallway and quickly followed the scent of her mate. She was so fixated in her search that she crashed headlong into someone.

Years of battle instincts kept her upright. While the person on front of her stumbled.

Eyes of bloodied violets met sapphire in a silent battle before the demoness smirked and gave a mocking bow.

" My sincerest apologies My lady. " she sneered, crimson lips curled in a cold smile.

" It's fine, I was the one at fault." Responded Naruko tensly, youkai shifting restlessly.

" Oh yes I'm certain it will be." She purred before walking past.

" Do be careful my Lady, one never knows where the enemy lurks" she whispered hauntingly.

Naruko shivered but refused to chase the strange demoness.


Sesshomaru scowled at the piles of paperwork in front of him, frustrated at himself.

Damn it, why cant I get that woman out of my head?! He growled.

Because she's our mate.

Shut up , I wasn't talling to you. He grumbled before growling at the intrusive knock.

" Enter."


Swallowing slightly, Naruko pushed open the heavy oak door.

Sesshomaru faced her, eyes cool and distant.

" Is there something you require?" He intoned cooly.

She felt a spark of anger but continued.

" I just wanted to thank you for last night and apologise if I bothered you." She murmered.

" Good because it wpnt happen again." He replied before leafing through the papers on his desk.

" Excuse me?"

" I wont have spme over-emotional female distract me fdpm my work . The job of a mate is to provide heirs and nothing more."

Naruko stared at him in shock before clenching her fist in fury.

" What is wrong with you?! All I wanted was to apologise you bastard!" She yelled, eyes flashing.

Sesshomaru raised a brow on cool detachment.

" I fail to see why you thought I wanted your apology."

Molten Blue met cool gold.

" Why won't you let anyone in?" She demanded

He rose in sudden anger, gold eyes mo longer placid but filled with danger.

" I won't be dictated to by a weak female! I dont need your so called love. I don't want. The only thing useful to me is your body." He snarled.

He watched as she flinched as of struck and felt a odd ache on his chest as her eyes dimmed.

" Then I sorry I wasted your time, my Lord." She murmered mechanically before fleeing the room.

As if drained sesshomaru sat down in his chair with a sigh.

What have you done? Whispered his youkai accuslingly.

I will not make the same mistake as my father. I will not be weak. He snarled

Then you are a fool...

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