Chapter 10

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Naruko tossed a dirty look at Sesshomarus vanishing form before glancing at her new travelling companions.  Awkward silence reined until the little girl skipped forward, a smile on her accepting face.

"Hello pretty lady." She chirped.

Naruko felt her lips curve into a smile.

" Hello little one, whats your name?"

She tilted her head and considered Naruko for a moment before anwsering.

" Rin is Rin."

" Thats a pretty name, mine is Naruko. "

"Naru-sama, may Rin ask a question?" Asked Rin seriously.

Startled by the sudden honorific she merely nodded to the child.

"Why is Naru-sama sad? Does she not like Sesshomaru-sama?" Questioned Rin curiously.

Naruko gazed in amazement at the observant girl. And here I  thought I was hiding it well.

"I do like him Rin, I just lost alot of people that were very precious to me recently. " Naruko stated softly with a heavy sigh.

"Did a bad man get to them like Rin's parents?" Rin asked sadly.

"Hai." Naruko stated tiredly and sat down on the soft grass.

Suddenly she was tackled by the small child. She looked down at the girls fragile frame and gently ran a clawed hand through the trussled raven hair.

" Ne Naru-sama, can Rin be Naru-samas precious person?" Came a muffled query.

Naruko smiled softly.

"If thats what you want , little one."

Rin lifted her face from Narukos chest and smiled a big smile begore scampering off the demonesses lap to chase the toad thing that had silently for once observed the exchange between the two.

"No Rin, leave me alone you annoying girl!" Screeched Jaken in sudden panic at her approaching figure.

Naruko laughed, the her merriment echoing across the clearing.


In the shadows a figure vanished,  his master would find this information useful.


(Okay guys thats all for now. Please vote and review, any suggestions or helpful comments are appreciated. No flamed!)

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