chapter twelve:

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Sesshomaru found himself barely hanging on to his temper as they travelled.  During the past two days a number of strange 'accidents' occurred,  one involving the Taiyoukai ending up covered with tree sap, leaves and hung upside down by his ankle.

It was infruiating that soneone  would dare soil his person, the worst part was he could never catch the culprit.  It was if they never existed. Oh he knew that his little mate was involved despite her oh so innocent smiles, he just couldn't figure out how!

Meanwhile Naruko was having a hard time trying to stifle her laughter at her mates expense. It was not everday one got to see the cold inu so agitated.

Prehaps I should let up a little, the poor  man seems as if he's sanity is dangling by a thread.

Indeed Sesshomaru's elegant brows were twitching continously, a fierce scowl etched deeply into his aristocratic face and claws flexing as if he craved to slaughter something or in this case someone.

Serves the bastard right though, no one messes with Naruko Uzumaki!

She quickly shifted her smug grin into a innocent smile as suspicious golden eyes glanced her way.

"Is something wrong Sesshomaru? " she questioned sweetly.

He twitched slightly and tossed her a searing glare but otherwise didnt respond as they approched the gates of the Western Palace.


Nararku smiled as he watched them through Kanna's mirror.


" Kagura."  He called coldly.

Said wind mistress bowed slighlty, trying to supress a shudder at Naraku's cruel smile.

" A interesting  development has occurred and with a little help may very well cause the defeat of Sesshomaru. "

Kagura swallowed her bile as she listened the hanyous plan. She watched with restained terror as he withdrew her heart and caressed it lightly.

" Do not fail or the result would be....unpleasant. "  He stated softly, squeezing the red orb gently but hard enough to cause the demoness to clutch her chest and crumple to her knees in pain, gasping for breathe.

Naraku watched with suppressed glee as his reincarnation vanished.

Soon, you'll be crawling  in defeat Sesshomaru and watch as I destroy everything you hold dear....


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