Chapter six

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The group had been travelling for awhile toward what kagome described to be the village that they used as a base. However the arrival of Naruko created a tense and awkard atmosphere;  no one really knowing how to respond to the female youkai.

Naruko shrugged off the tension having been exposed to worse in her childhood.

"So a demon slayer, miko, monk and a hanyou, quite an interesting group."she commented aloud.

" You wouldn't be the first to find it so Lady Naruko. " said Miroku with a grin.

" I'm sure theres a good story behind it."  replied Naruko returning the smile.

" Not really." stated Sango abruptly giving her a suspicious look.

Naruko waved a hand in a dismissing manner.

"Calm yourself slayer, if I meant you harm then you'd be dead and I wouldn't waste my time making conversation with a target."

Inuyasha growled." Unless you were trying to get information from us fro Naraku. "

Naruko rolled her eyes in exasperation. " Honestly are we really back to that?  I really have no clue who you are talking about, who is this Naraku charater anyway? "

Kagome stepped forward. "Well it all began with a certain jewel..."

Naruko listened intently as kagome told thier story, how they came to look for the Shikon jewel, Naraku and the various battles with inuyashas older brother.

Damn this Naraku charater is good, evil, sadistic and a over all bastard but good; kinda reminds me of that creep Orochimaru. she mused silently. And this Sesshomaru guy-

a sudden surge of youkai interrupted her musings. Naruko looked up and whistled slightly  at the horde of low level demons descended.

"Well thats not good is it." She stated lazily and disappered in a swirl of leaves.

Ignoring the shouts of disbelief from the group she suppressed her chakra and observed the battle. It was obvious that someone was controlling the demons. A spot of white caught her vison and she looked up in time to see a female youkai charge forward on a white feather.

Using low level jonin speed Naruko quickly intercepted the youkais flight, giving her a hard yank off her transportation and lauching her roughly toward the ground below.

Naruko landed in time to see the demoness stumbled clumsily to prevent injury. She snarled, her crimson eyes bright with indignation.

"How dare you interfere! " she screeched and snapped her fan open in retaliation.

"Take this! Wind blades!"

Unfazed, Naruko held  up one hand.

"Daikamaitachi no jutsu."(great cutting wind technique)

The two attacks collided and  cancelled each other out with a flurry of wind. During the disorder Naruko used a shushin to appear behind the wind demoness, a kunai leveled at her throat.

"Now that wasn't nice. Care to tell me why you are attacking my companions?" Naruko questioned lazily, channelling a bit a killing intent.

The wind youkai gulped ." Naraku sent me."

"Ah I see. So you would be one of his incarnations then?"

"Hai." The youkai whispered bitterly.

Naruko opened her mouth to question her further when twenty or so youkai charged forward, forcing her away from her captive.  Naruko cursed silently but allowed the wind demoness to retreat.  She had enough information to determine that the youkai definitely wasnt fond of her creator which might come in handy should the neef ever arise.

Senses suddenly alert she cast  the chakra no tate ( chakra shield) around her causeing the potentially crippling attack to dissapate.

Turning she face Inuyasha sword already raised for another round, moving so quickly that she became a blur, she punched the hanyou in the stomach and grabbed his wrist, giving it a violent twist, causing him to drop his sword.

"What are you doing inuyasha?" Naruko questioned slightly annoyed.

"Feh you were corsorting with the enemy  I had every right to attack you." Retorted the hanyou yanking his arm away from her .

"I was merely questioning the woman." Stated Naruko bored.

"That may be the case Milady but a comrade doesnt desert thier fellows during a confrontation." Lectured Miroku.

" Those who abondon thier friends are lower then trash"

   Naruko flinched inwardly as Kakashi's words echoed in her mind.

"My apologies. I... I just haven't fought in a team since....Never mind, my actions were dishonorable, I apologise." Naruko bowed slightly to the group.

"Its alright  but  try not to wonder off next time." Sango quipped smiling.

Naruko returned the smile.

"Feh all this lovey-dovey stuff is making me sick" interrupted inuyasha sheathing his sword.

"Sit boy!"

Naruko laughed feeling lighter then ever as she observed the ensuing chaos, feeling for the first time since thiet death a sense of peace.

( A.N. Don't worry Sesshomaru will make an appaerance in the next chapter,  till then my minons!:-))

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