Chapter one

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a lone figure emerged from ash and smoke of the once former ninja village known as Konoha; the figure stumbled forward with hunched shoulders and a bloody sword held in a limp grasp. the soot and blood bedecked figure raised its head and gazed with dull eyes at the scarred mountain  that held the faces of her villages mightiest protectors, from this distance it looked as if the faces of the mountain were crying with her as the rain fell in rivulets down thier damaged visages.

Naruko uzumakis heart shattered as she took on the destruction around her; was this the result of all they had worked for? This pile of smoking rubble that once had held all of her dreams? She had tried so hard and in the end it still wasnt enough to protect the ones she loved the most.

With a heart-wrenching cry she shared her grief with the now barren elemental nations. Sobbing, Naruko clutched the sword to her chest and fell down to her knees, letting her tears drench the dusty ground

In the distance a large crimson fox with nine tails watched on  and felt its stone heart crack as he witnessed the grief of his jailor; The Kyuubi no kitsune hated humans with a passion but this small human female was different,  she had done the impossible and had gained his trust, he even went as far as to refer to her as his own kit. Kyuubi sighed and moved forward to wrap his tails around the kneeling figure.

Naruko allowed the appendages to enfold her and stared with wet dulled azure orbs into bloody crimson. With Sasukes sword still grasped in her pale fingers she spoke for the first time since the tradgey.

"Kurama I don't know what to do anymore,  I'm alone now."

Kyuubis eyes softened slightly.

"Kit, I know it hurts but prehaps not all is lost. "

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