chapter eleven

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Naruko sighed and gently ran her fingers through Rins uruly hair as the child slept on her lap. Jakkens snores echoed around the otherwise silent area. A faint scent of forest and silk warned her of her future mates .

Sesshomaru was shocked to find his ward cuddled up to his mate; he didnt recall her ever being so warm to strangers.

A strange warmth settled over him as he watched Naruko soothing caress of the child. But what followed was confusion.

" You are not the same, yet you treat Rin as if she were your pup." He said, quietly making the statement seem like a question.

Naruko frowned in suddden agitation. " A child is a child no matter who or what thier sire is and should be treasured. Where I come from, children are referred to as the king of the village as they are the ones that hold the future in thier hands."

" Some wouldnt care either way, she is human and therefore below your station." He murmured calculating, observing her reaction.

A low growl escaped her throat.

" Fools, the lot of them!"

She turned her glare upon Sesshomaru, blue eyes tinged with crimson.

" And you! You have no right  to mention station when you obviously care for the girl and have accepted her as your ward. Besides at one point me and rin werent so different. "

He raised a elegant brow at that and filed the strange comment away for later.


Naruko closed her eyes and forced her anger down.

" Why did you pick me, we know nothing about each other. " she murmured with a tired sigh.

" Our youkai called to each other and the rest is irrelevant. " he stated coldly.

" So you don't care that you are going to spend the rest of your life with a stranger?" She asked, incredulous.

" No."

She swore lowly. " What about love, romance , that sort of thing? You dont care that I have absolutely no experience in this kind of thing?"

" Love is nothing but a myth humans use to justify thier lust and  I have experience,  so there's no need to worry. "

" Thats not exactly comforting."

This time he paused, head tilted in confusion.

" What's this 'comfort' you speak of?"

Is he serious!? She thought to herself stunned. Gently she placed Rin beside her and getting to her feet closed the distance between them.

" Didn't your mother ever comfort you, your father? "

"They are deceased. " he replied bitingly.

She winced. " A servant prehaps?"


" No one ever gave you a hug or a pat on the shoulder when you were upset?" She asked disbelievingly. I mean even I had the old man for that despite the villages crap.

" No. But which would you prefer when we mate.?" He asked bluntly.

She blushed furiously oh good lord, thats  just.... I don't even know what to say to that.

" Uh prehaps you could tell me the better parts of it instead." She croaked out in embarrassment. I think pervy sage is laughing at me right now, probably yelling that I shouldve read those pervy books of his

Sesshomaru raised a brow at the odd request.

" It won't kill you." He deadpanned.

Naruko gazed at him in stunned silence, face bleak. He's joking.... right?

Sesshomaru sensed her nervousness and moved closer.

" Maybe its better to cancel-

Cold lips suddenly descended and all thoughts about speech were obliterated.  Naruko felt her body become liquid fire and felt her lips respond to the encouragement of his own. A muscular arm wrapped around her waist and pulled her tight against his body.

A cool , moist tongue lightly gilded across her trembling lips before he broke the kiss and stepped back.

Sesshomaru smirked as he took in her flustered apparence .

" As I said before little one, no experience required. "

Inwardly she cursed her body's reaction. That sneaky dog. That's it , im going to teach this youkai not to mess with the queen of pranksters!

Sesshomaru had to represss a shiver as he walked toward his ward, prehaps winter was coming early...

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