18. 9th of April

19 0 0

18:30 PM

From: Michael

I'm here


18:30 PM

To: Michael

On my way down


18:31 PM

From: Michael

I see you :)



I stepped out of the elevator and onto the lobby of my office. I swiped my card to finished my shift and bid my goodbyes to the receptionist. My heels clicked on the floor as I spotted Michael's white hair outside on the lobby door. It's pretty funny actually because he dyes his hair a different shade of color every single month (probably every single week but I don't know). He turned around after I pushed the door open.

He smiled at me and asked me on where do I want to eat dinner. I told him somewhere Italian would be good, so we decided to eat at this restaurant called 'Torino'. It's just a nice Italian restaurant near my office. We both walked over to his car as he opened the car door for me.

You know, Michael changed. In a good way of course because he's been really sweet lately. He does the things that he wouldn't do before. He does these small gestures that shows that he cares. He never open the car door or asked me the small things that doesn't matter. He never did.

He started the car's engine and started driving to our destination. Small talks were made and he seems really happy.

After he stayed over yesterday, he keeps on texting me various things about the things that happened during his day and I would reply with something that happened while I was a kid that relates to his story. I don't know what happened but I enjoy this side of Michael. I feel like he's more open about himself now, that's something that I should put in my achievements.

'Michael Clifford opens up to me'

We ordered our food and eat while we made more small talks about that lady that sits in the corner with her husband and how weird her hat is or that man that is waiting for his bill and his really luscious mustache. We both would laughed silently as we tried to hold it in.

The night ended with him asking me if he can stay over at my apartment again. I gladly say yes as his face lights up in both excitement and happiness.


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