Prologue: The Girl at the Statue

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She ran ahead of her family, laughing and chasing her pet pig Waddles.

The Pines had finally gone camping to celebrate Mabel and Dipper's second visit to Gravity Falls, and they were heading back to the Shack. Mabel finally caught up to Waddles and cuddled him as she waited for the slowpokes to catch up.

That was when something... strange caught her eyes.

Bill's statue.

It was still lodged in the ground, more moss covering it than when she last saw it. As if its presence wasn't haunting enough, there was some sort of- ... girl near it?

Well, she looked somewhat like a girl. She had long brown hair with some seasick green streaks in the bangs, and olive skin, and Mabel would've believed she was a human girl... if it wasn't for the fact she had angel wings, demon horns, a little halo, and a demon tail.

It was haunting, to say the least! Mabel would admit that she froze up a bit, staring at the girl(?). Then, the slowpokes caught up and saw her, too.

Grunkle Ford apparently hadn't seen anything like her, so he seemed pretty curious. Dipper and Mabel expected that.

What Mabel didn't expect though, was for him to pull out a tranquilizer dart gun, and judging by Dipper's expression, he didn't expect it either. "Grunkle Ford! What are you doing!?" Mabel whisper-yelled. "I'm going to bring that thing back to the Mystery Shack to study." He said formally. They all looked at him, stunned. "What!? You can't do that! That has to be kidnapping, o-or- something!" She responded. "Mabel, we don't know if it's dangerous. I need to examine it." He replied calmly. And before any of them could protest, he shot a dart at her, nailing her in the neck. She tensed a bit before collapsing.

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