How Have You Loved Me Still?

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It had been only around a half hour, and Ben was already getting very annoyed with Mabel. It was simply never-ending pestering of what his powers were, what other Dream Demons were like, and what the Dream Dimension was like. Eventually, Ben unceremoniously turned Mabel to Zace and said, "Ask him."

Despite the glares his older brother gave him for that, Ben found it much more peaceful this way. Besides, Zace had the most experience of his brothers being a normal Dream Demon. Ben didn't want to be reminded of the whole growing-up-in-the-Nightmare-cult. The "clan" itself was a nightmare to just think about. He'd left that part of himself behind when Bill found him on the streets. Well, for the most part.


"What's a kid like you doing out here?" He asked, looking down at the five-year-old. The boy had tucked himself away, wanting to be by himself. You don't run away from a bunch of Dream Demons just to be around a bunch more. It wasn't like he had anyone left to care about him. After Vixen...

He turned away angrily, though the anger wasn't directed toward the man talking to him. The man came closer and reached over to him. "I'm not gonna hurt you..." There was something about his voice that made the child believe that. Carefully, the man brushed aside the bangs shielding his face.

That revealed his scar.

The man could see the kid hated that thing. "So, you were a part of those Nightmare-guys?" He asked. "The Nightmare Clan." The boy corrected. The older beckoned him closer.

"They aren't good to you, I see. Got any family? Anyone to go to?"

The boy shook his head. "I had a sister. Twin. She's..."

The man nodded in understanding. "I see... Well, how about you come and stay with me for a while? Who are you?"

"Salem Smoke."

The man tilted his head. "Is that really who you are?"

He took that into consideration for a moment. "No..." He finally decided. The man smiled kindly. "Well then, what name do you want?" He asked.

"I kinda like the name Benjamin. Maybe Castor?"

The man thought for a moment. "How do you feel about Benjamin Castor Cipher?" He asked. The boy tilted his head. "Cipher?" He inquired.

"My last name. Just if you'd like."

The boy stood up, walking carefully to the man. "I think I'd like that."


That was the day his life actually began. No, he wasn't like other Dream Demons, with two eyes from that stupid Nightmare cult magic, but he was a Cipher.

Elizabetta hadn't explained what they were doing at what he could've only imagined was four in the morning. She just went over to him, told him to get his brothers, and follow these two kids through the woods. Ben had no idea why these humans were at the cottage, why they were following them, or what they'd told his mother.

'If Mom thinks it's worth it, it must be.'

Speaking of Elizabetta, the woman had gotten back into her plain white dress, and her hair was still in its braid (though, it looked a bit messy now). His mother was a reasonable woman, surely this would all make sense soon.


As William held onto his mother's hand, his eye never left the humans. They were the first he'd ever seen. There were none at the orphanage, since, sadly, humans were a bit underdeveloped compared to most other dimensions. They didn't have the type of magic or technology to be able to get lost in different realms.

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