Demons and Those They Love

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Ida knew what she was doing was stupid. Provoking a demon that took the form of the pure darkness around her wasn't exactly smart. In all fairness, Ida was never exactly called smart.

But smart was different than clever. And Ida was sure as hell clever.

As she ducked about in her ghostly form, the plan became clearer. The only problem was that, as she became more and more tired, the more she phased back into her physical form. Then, the tendril became dangerous. She just had to get Flintgold riled up enough to let down his guard.

She was pulled back into the present by one of the tendrils grabbing her ankle and hoisting her up.

"Rude!" She yelled at the darkness.

Flintgold roared in fury, shaking her around so quickly she nearly got whiplash. Green flames suddenly cut through the tendril, making Ida drop down to the ground. She looked up and saw a familiar red demon running around, shooting flames to anger the darkness. The Pines twins were swinging around from one of the tendrils by a grappling hook. Stan Pines was punching at other tendrils with brass knuckles - a weapon Ida admired. William ran to her and helped her up.

"What in the heavens-?" Ida mumbled, looking at them all.

William smiled nervously. "So, this thing is very, very violent." He said, motioning to the darkness. Ida almost laughed, though nothing about this was really funny. He looked at the rest of the group.

"Did you even have a plan?" She asked.

William crossed his arms. "Did you?" He responded sarcastically.

Ida smiled, patting his head. "Spunk. I like that." She complimented. The demon seemed a bit proud of that.

"In all seriousness, I do have a plan. I just need his guard do-" A near-deafening screech rang through the dark. Ida grabbed William and ducked, dodging a tendril launching at them. William clung onto Ida's arm, staring at where his head had been just moments ago. "His powers are too strong for the spell to work." Ida muttered.

Zace jumped back from another tendril and rushed over to Ida and William. "This isn't good!" He said nervously.

Ida stared at him blankly. "Oh really? I didn't notice." She hummed sarcastically.

"ANYWAY, we need to find a way to weaken his magic." Zace responded.

William reached into his pocket, and took out the gem he'd pulled out last from the cave. "Zace, you found something when you were with Mama, right?" He asked.

Zace nodded. "A magic hotspot." He said. William smiled.

"We found one, too. And messed with it."

Ida looked confused, but Zace understood. "There's only one more hotspot that needs some destruction." He said, an excited grin etching across his face.

"Exactly." William laughed.

"I'll keep you guys covered. Try and help Ben figure out what to do with that hotspot." Zace said, his hands lighting up with flames. And without another word, he ran off to keep the tendrils at bay.

William turned to the ground and called out, "Ben! Does anything stick out to you?"

Been called back,"Looking at the wires! There's one that looks-" His fingers grazed a black-and-gold wire in the machine. Suddenly, cables launched out at the demon. They glowed with magic and had small star-shaped ends.

They wouldn't have scared him, if it weren't for the fact they were apparently trying to attack him.

Ben attempted to swat at them, but there wasn't much he could do in the small crawlspace. He let out a frightened scream as a few wrapped around his wrists and tried slamming him against the walls around him.

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