Questions and Answers, Which Just Lead to More Questions

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"So, how did you guys meet? Also, Ida, did you just make a picnic out of nowhere?" Dipper asked, watching as Ida sat down on the gingham blanket she spread on the ground. Ida simply nodded, smiling and placing a box-like container of food in front of her. Bill sat down next to the girl and smiled as she handed him a sandwich. "I always have a picnic ready here." Ida said, taking out her own sandwich.

Ford glanced over to the tiny cardboard tent that was rain-stained and weathered. "Seems like you have a whole place to live here." He joked. Ida managed a small laugh, despite the annoyance Ford was in her mind. "Where'd you get the cardboard?" He asked. Ida sunk down a bit. "I mean, kinda had to just grab it from the craft store." She said quietly. "Isn't that stealing?" He continued, raising an eyebrow. Ida leaned on Bill, digging her nails into the sandwich. "They already hate me. Don't really care anymore." She said nervously.

"Who?" Bill asked immediately, snapping his head to the child. Ida sunk down lower. "Other Judges. They aren't always nice..." She mumbled, trying to not be too audible. Bill clenched his fists and his eye darkened. Ida sprung up quickly, patting his shoulder. "Don't worry! Don't worry! Doesn't bother me, I swear!"

Bill highly doubted that, but didn't mention the topic again.

"Okay, NOW can we get to the questions?" Mabel asked, looking up from her nails, which she was filing. It was clear she didn't really have patience in the whole thing, and just wanted to go back home to Waddles. Dipper clapped his hands. "Mabel's right. Let's get to the questions." Ida leaned forward. "Shoot." She said, prompting the interrogation.

"Firstly, how did you meet?"

Ida looked down, immediate regret in her deep amethyst iris. Bill took over, saying, "In the park, near the birch trees. It was 19... 76, I believe?" He wondered, looking over to Ida for affirmations. Ida nodded, "1976." She mumbled, wrinkling her nose at her age. "She was able to see me, by some blessing from the Axolotl, and I made a deal with her." He noticed Ford's hands tighten around the notepad he was holding. "No strings attached." Bill assured, feeling mildly offended.

"What was the deal?"

"She was given protection and was to manage to try and get through her life." Bill said. Ida let out a weak laugh. "That aged well, huh?" She whispered, looking up at him. He gave no laugh back and Ida quickly shrank down. A gentle hug from the demon assured Ida that he wasn't upset. At least, not with her.

"Protection? From what? Who?"

"Ida has no obligation to tell you-" The defensive Bill was cut off by a quiet whisper. There was a small silence. "Miss. Micheals, could you repeat that?" Ford asked, her voice professional and calm, like always. "My brother."

No one seemed to be able to breathe at that.

Ida took a quick breath and continued. "My brother, Ethan Micheals. He was five years older than me. Blamed me for our parents' divorce. Our mother's drug-ridden habits. Everything." Her voice became quieter with each word. "A-and he- well, he-" She attempted stammering something out, but her breathing was becoming rapid. Her pupil contracted as if fixated on the ground. With a swift movement, she wrapped her arms around herself.

"Ida, we need you to calm down. No one is going to hurt you." Ford said, attempting to soften his voice. Bill, without a word, turned the child to him. He framed his hands around her face to make her look up at him. "I'm right here. I promise. He will never hurt you again."

Like magic, the girl's breathing calmed, and her grip around herself relaxed. She sighed in what seemed like relief. "Thank you, Mr. Bill." The demon smiled a little, finding Ida's formality adorable. She rested her head on his chest and felt a lot better. Bill held onto the child protectively. "If Ida is not ready to talk about him, we do not pry or prod. Is that understood?" He asked.

Ford, seeming genuinely concerned, nodded. "I understand perfectly well, Cipher." He said. Bill tried to hide his astonishment at Ford's sympathy.

After the scene settled, the questioning continued.

"What powers do you have, Ida?"

Ida beamed a bit. "Oh, well, I can see the good and bad people have done, determining if they're Guilty or Innocent." She said. Everyone seemed to shift a bit in discomfort at that.

"Other than that, I have pyrokinesis, accelerated healing, controlling my density and visibility, and sometimes I can create a force strong enough to push people." She explained, listing off her fingers. "I'm definitely not as strong as other Judges. Mainly, Judge's powers are for the purpose of said Judge being most comfortable in their form. That way, their job continues smoothly and the world stays in balance." Ida explained. "It accommodates most things - physical needs, emotional wants, age-regression, just to name a few."

"Can you fly with your wings?" Dipper asked, motioning to the large, white wings that were flapping and shifting to be comfortable on her back. "Nope." Ida sighed, rolling her eyes. "Really? Why do you have the wings then?" He asked, tilting his head.

"I don't want to talk about it." Ida said, subtly glancing at the demon next to her.

"Ida, what does the necklace do? It's glowing."

She smiled, looking down at the charm. It was a black star with gold trim, laced around her neck with a golden chain. "Mr. Bill gave it to me. It gives him an alert when I grab it. That way, he knows when I'm in danger." Ida said proudly.

'How did that work out for her, William?' Flintgold hissed into the demon's mind. Bill flinched. Small, teal flames sprouted on his shoulders. 'Get out of my head. You don't belong there. I want you to leave.' Bill thought back, his internal dialogue echoing in his mind painfully.

Ida looked up at him worriedly. "Mr. Bill?" She whispered, tugging his sleeve gently. Bill, completely tense, whirled around and looked at Ida. The ghost jumped a bit in surprise, but her face was overcome with concern.

"Cipher?" Dipper called, grabbing Bill's attention. "I'm sorry. My mind gets away from me sometimes. I swear, it's like there's another little demon in there." He apologized, rubbing the back of his neck. Dipper nodded understandingly. "I'll just ask the question again. Is that alright?" The boy asked. Bill nodded. "That would be good."

"Why exactly did you want to create the Weirdmaggedon?"

Bill looked up thoughtfully. "To save them." He said. "Save who?" Ford asked, annoyed at the vague answers.

"The Nightmare Realm creatures. That place is falling apart and they could all die if I can't find a way to help them. Besides, it might've saved me. Reality is truly a horrid place sometimes." Bill elaborated.

"Reality?" Ford seemed confused. "Like, how you set fi-" He stopped at Bill's sudden tension and Ida gave him a quick glare. "I didn't mean to." The demon whispered.

"I never meant to hurt them."

No one really knew how to react, so it seemed that the questioning was done for now. However, Dipper's mind filled with wonder and confusion. Now, he just had more questions than answers about Bill.

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