Bill Cipher's Return

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Finally, Ida was again faced with the statue. Not just the statue, but an opportunity to have back the one that had cared for her. The one that stood by her side. The one that protected her from him. The one that stopped her when she-...

The one that had made a promise to her. To protect her.

That was the opportunity Ida was finally given. And she sure as hell was going to take it.

Ida reached forward, ready to finally have a friend again, but her knees suddenly went numb. Her arms were weak and heavy, and she collapsed onto the grass. It was still damp from the morning dew. She dug her hands into the dirt, letting the twigs scratch at her skin. It hurt, but I had a wonderful feeling of relief and amazement.

Ida was physical. She was visible. She was a ghost that had a chance to be normal. She had a chance to be okay. Ida hadn't been able to make herself that way for decades, forced to feel like nothing.

She did something I hadn't done in decades.


She cried. Hot tears flowed down her face. Her eyepatch was soaked in water. Ida was gasping for breath, gulping back sobs. She could sense people rushing near. It was a fresh aura. She had to act quickly. She wiped her eyes (Well, she managed the best she could with her covered eye), and calmed herself down. She could sense the auras gathering near her.

They would witness this.


They would witness the return of someone they never truly knew. Who they never truly understood.

She stood up, smiling to herself, and held onto the statue's hand. "C'mon... Remember your promise... Remember me." She pleaded, her heart beginning to throb.

There was a moment of nothing. It was only about a second, but felt as if it dragged through eternity. The stone was cold, the moss wet and slippery. The grass swayed, tickling Ida's ankles and poking at her through her socks. Still, she didn't doubt for a second what would happen.

The aura was there still. She turned to it. The Pines family.

The second was over, and Ida's hand began feeling warm. She stepped back, light filling the palm of the statue. "Finally..." She whispered, backing up until she was behind the Pines family. Sixer's eyes followed the girl, an odd sense of horror in the bright blue irises. "What have you done..." That was the only thing he said to her.


Bright blue light encased the woods around them, sending devilish wind whipping hair across faces. Ida's pastel purple jacket flowed along with her white dress. Part of her wished she could have worn something different on the day of his arrival, but what could she do? She couldn't steal clothes, and it wasn't like people would sell things to a ghost. Ida had already pushed her luck enough by stealing cardboard. It was to make the little hut a few feet into the woods where she'd hide on rainy days and sleep at night. Ida couldn't afford to have the other Judges hate her more than they already did.

When the blue light faded, the wind still strong, there stood a figure. He was tall with bright yellow hair and dark fades, and an olive complexion. Where his right eye would be was covered with an eyepatch that Ida's mimicked. He wore a sharp yellow and black suit, a top hat, and a black cape that swirled majestically down to his feet.

The humanoid form of him.

Bill Cipher.

With a dark laugh, he threw his hands up in the air, "Finally! I've missed this old dump!" He said, his voice echoing into oblivion. He turned to face the Pines family, his bright yellow eye piercing through the dust his arrival had caused. "And I've sure missed you!" He added, a smile widening on his face.


Ida couldn't have said it better herself.

The Judge couldn't help herself anymore. She felt pitiful standing there in awe. So, she threw herself forward, every ounce of emotion she'd held back for this day flowing out. Pine Tree attempted to grab her wrist and stop her, whispering a panicked "No!"

Ida couldn't care less.

She tackle-hugged Bill, tears running down her face. For a few minutes, Bill was frozen in shock. Ida could almost feel the mal intent he once held for this town melt away. "I-Ida...?" He whispered, looking down at her, his hand gently stroking the girl's head in disbelief. He seemed to not even believe that Ida was holding onto him. She looked up at him, "I told you we'd meet again..." The child responded, her voice breaking.

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