Valentine Days Special

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Ah Valentine's I love this holiday. The love in the air, the giving chocolate to your love ones. If you have anyone to love. The princess decided to throw a dance in the hotel for the holiday.....WELL at least Alastor finally has someone to love besides me and mother. Who would have thought my own brother won the princess's heart! They do make one Helluva Team.

Heh....heh......good for him...
OH! Vox and Valentino are here too! And....when Vox and Alastor turned around they saw each other....oh boy...
Oh Millie and Moxie are here! I didn't really approve their relationship at first but I allowed it. Y/n and Loona? Thought they didn't like each other due to their species are at war ....well used to be since Y/N's species were wiped out second year as an exterminator....

In life and in death someone will never get a partner. Like me... The wine is good though.  I then went outside on one of the many balconies and took out a 1940 Cuban cigar. I took the plastic off of it and snapped my fingers which produced a small flame on my thumb. I brought the cigar to my mouth and lit it. I took a deep breath and blew the smoke out into a pentagram.

"Now this is relaxing, been a while since I had a smoke break."

???:"Tell me about it."

I nearly dropped my cigar off the building, thankfully I didn't. I turned to my left and saw Vaggie on my left with a cigarette in her hand.

"Oh, hello Vaggie! How do I-"
Vaggie:"Cut the shit, I want answers.."
Vaggie:"The reason you are banned from heaven, why you are still here at the hotel and not trying to destroy it!"
A shadow was covering my face as I took another wiff of my cigar.
"My dear....I was banned for killing exterminators during my second year as one."
I could tell from the silence that she did not expect my answer.
"Now what about you? Hm? Why are you here?"
Vaggie:"They casted me out due to having a crush on the princess of Hell..."
"On Charlotte? My my they have been very strict with the rules since I've been gone and that was decades ago."

Vaggie:"Did....did you miss it? Heaven...did you miss it?"
Did I miss it? It was nice and peaceful but....
"Dear, would you answer this question?"

"Would you rather be in a nice place where you can barely do anything you want and where the simplest sin would cast you down here?"
I turned my body towards her with smoke coming out of my mouth.

"Or would you be here? A place where you can do whatever you want! Meet wonderful people! Release your anger? Done! Drink as much alcohol and smoke as much as you want! And it would feel like you are at home!" I smirked at the miserable life I had in heaven and the wonderful people I have here.

I slowly made my way towards her and snapped my fingers again which made a flame on my thumb.

"Need a light?"

I saw her sigh and lit the cigarette with my flame and we both took a wiff of our own tobacco sticks.

Vaggie:"thanks..." I made a small smile.

"We fallen angels must stick together"

*Inside the hotel*
Millie:"Wow, didn't know your dad is such a ladies man, Moxxie."

Y/N:"Honestly I can't believe he hasn't fainted yet."

Moxxie:" I am somewhat proud of him."

Blitzø:"So isn't he decades older than her?"

Moxxie:"Sir!What are you doing here?!"

Blitzø:"I'm here with my date Mox! I have a life outside of work you know!"
Y/N:"and who exactly is your date?"
Blitzø points at the bar where they see a certain spider demon ordering two cocktails with extra vodka in them who look back at Blitzø and blew him a kiss.

Loona:"No way...first Verosika now Angel Dust."

Y/N:" That's it, I'm going to drown myself in alcohol."

Happy Valentine's Day

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