Deal(Lost Tape)

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*Blitzø POV*

I woke up with a throbbing headache. I covered my eyes to block the light until a tender and gripped my head. Bastard got me good....

But he ain't moving anymore

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But he ain't moving anymore.
Apparently it was an imp wearing a medic coat with a rose in her hair.

???: "Slight concussion, broken horn, internal bleeding, dosages of so many different kinds of drugs, cuts and bruises everywhere and your stomach was ripped out. Yet somehow still alive even when slammed into an electric fence."

"Lady, it takes a lot to keep me down. I took a fuck ton of tranquilizers from the college I dropped out of. Also I have been strapped nipple first to car batteries by my ex. Now can you tell me where the fuck I am?"

Just then Wendigo appeared and lifted Blitzø up by his shoulders.

Wendigo: "Nevermind where you are, my friend! You are the first one to beat my game! You won!"

Blitzø: "Well fuck, what do I win?"
Wendigo: "Tell me, what do you really want?"

I stopped and remembered the real reason why I was here. It wasn't for revenge, it was for....

Blitzø: "I need the cure for syphilis for my daughter."

I looked up and noticed that the smile Wendigo had disappeared. He reached into his coat and pulled out a small vile.

Wendigo: "This will keep her on stage one."

He placed me down and slowly walked away. I looked down at the vile and looked back at him.

Blitzø: "Hey fucker! I said the cure! Not letting her stuck on stage one!"

???: "Hey! He gave you what you wanted!"

Blitzø: "I wanted the thing to stop it completely, to get it out of my daughter! Not letting it stay in stage one!"

Wendigo stopped and looked back at me.

Wendigo: "Rose, enough! He has the right to be mad."

The imp stepped back when Wendigo shouted. She was basically shaking like a leaf until Wendigo pulled her to into a hug and whispered something to her. She seemed to calm down and Wendigo looked back at me.

Wendigo: "I am not in the best health to give you the full cure. Although I am willing to give you something as well as another wish if you do something for me."

I was shocked, three prizes? Better than nothing. I reached into my pocket and pulled out a small piece of paper that had a picture of a building with I.M.P on it.

Blitzø: "Make this happen, with horns on the building. For the business I am trying to start."

Rose: "What does your business do?"

Blitzø: "Want someone dead in the living world? I can get there and kill them for ya. Immediate Murder Professionals."

Wendigo: "Alright, I need you to get someone for us."
Wendigo is seen standing in front of a prison when a storm rolled in. He pulled out a photo out of his pocket right when a part of the prison blew up with the sound of Blitzø screaming in excitement.

Wendigo: "Finally got you back..."

Wendigo: "Son

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Wendigo: "Son."

End of chapter

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