Windows- peter parker

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Hey guys before u start reading just know the window idea with nursing isn't my idea! This is all my writing but based on another Wattpad story, I can't find the author but if you know please comment it, Thank you!


I limped down the alley clutching on to my rib, it hurt, bad. My backpack that was filled with a shirt and sweatpants slumped over my back. Me, being Spiderman has obviously gotten hurt before but this time I didn't know if my first aide kit would help much. I looked up at the moon but was shocked to see a beautiful girl staring right back at me. I froze.

"Are you okay?" She yelled from her window.

"No not really" i said chuckling, smiling a bit.

"Can I help you? Im a nurse!" She yelled back.

Thank god, i needed a nurse.

"Yes, please!"

I pointed my wrist at the side of her wall and landed on it.

She gasped and said "how'd you- oh right."

I smiled as she opened her window a little more to let me through.

I climbed in and panted, thirsty, and tired.

"Here- i'll go get you some water" she said before running out and into her kitchen.

She let the door cracked so I could see her scurrying to get me water.

I looked around the room, cute.

I smiled at her when she came back with a glass of water.

"Thank you," I said while sipping the water making eye contact with her.

Her eyes were beautiful, brown and innocent like.

"Yeah, here take your shirt off you have a pretty big scar," she remarked putting hair behind her ear.

I smirked and said, "Where's the restroom?"

"Over there," she smiled and pointed at the restroom.

I got up and limped over to the restroom. As soon as I got in I took off my suit and opened up my backpack, putting on my sweatpants but leaving my shirt off, like she ordered.

I walked out and watched as her breath caught in her throat seeing my shirtless body. Blood dripping on my abs as I had been glistening with sweat.

She walked over to me, running her hand on my fresh scar. I winced but maintained eye contact.

"Lay down on your back please," she said still looking at me, lust full in her eyes.

I did as she said, crossing my arms on the back of my head laying down. My advanced senses could smell, hear, and taste everything, and I smelt her arousal.

She got something from under her bed and straddled me, putting hand sanitizer on her hands. I winced and groaned as she put rubbing alcohol on my wounds. I smirked as I heard her own breath catch once again.

"What's your name?" she asked me smiling.

God she's fucking adorable, "Peter, Peter Parker."

"Y/n, y/n y/l/n" she replied smiling even harder.

She leant forward to repair my wounds, her body rubbing against me.

I felt her thigh tense up, she was nervous.

"What happened?" she asked tilting her head in curiosity.

"Just fighting a human lizard guy, the usual," I said sarcastically chuckling.

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