Chapter 6: Lara

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Note: Liana's not in this chapter.

Lana's at her Isis Foundation and walks in to see Chloe and says, "Chloe!" Chloe looks at Lana and says, "Lana?" Lana walks over to Chloe and says, "What are you doing here?" Chloe says, "Uh... I stumbled across the Isis Foundation website and saw they were reaching out to meteor victims. I-I wanted to see if I could get an interview. Do you work here?" Lana softly smiles and says, "You could say that." Lana smiles at her receptionist and walks Chloe to her office and continues to say, "I actual kind of am the foundation." Chloe's surprised and says, "When did you become such a champion for the meteor challenged?" Lana says, "Lex ruined lives with 33.1. Not just his victims, but their families and friends. I'm using the divorce settlement to fight back." Lana opens the doors to her office and Chloe says, "Lana, this is a little more impressive than just writing a check. I mean, this is a major operation." Lana says, "Right now, it's just me in an office. But eventually, I'd like to open a free clinic start support groups, set up a crisis hotline." Chloe says, "I'm so proud of you. Why didn't you tell me?" Lana says, "I don't want anyone to know until I've had the chance to build this into something real." Chloe says, "You're on the web. You're already out there." Lana smiles and says, "I launched the site so that people that needed help could find me. Grassroots is really all I want right now. Chloe... do me a favor and don't tell Liana, okay?" Chloe's confused and says, "Why not? She'd be really proud." Lana softly smiles and says, "I know, I just I'm not ready to tell her." Chloe says, "Lana, I've interviewed enough people to know when someone's bending the truth. And as much as I love what you're doing... I'm... sensing a right angle in here somewhere." Lana softly says, "That right angle is your imagination. Please, Chloe, don't tell Liana anything." Chloe nods and says, "This conversation is officially off the record." Lana smiles and says, "Thank you." Later, Lana's in her secret room watching Lex. Then the feed cuts off and Lana's trying to get it back. Lana pulls the feed back on and sees Kara. Lana calls Clark and says, "Clark, it's Lana. I know where Kara is." 

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