Chapter 19: Quest

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Note: Liana's not in this chapter.

Chloe's in her apartment and watches Jimmy walk in and says, "I won't ask you where you've been or why you stood me up... as long as you picked up cheesecake to say you're sorry." Jimmy smiles and says, "Oh, yeah. Well, the hospital cafeteria isn't known for its dessert list." Chloe's confused and says, "Hospital? Are you alright?" Jimmy says, "Me? Yeah, I'm-I'm great. I'm making page two. Lex is the one who's not doing so hot." Chloe says, "Was there an accident?" Jimmy says, "Well, not unless tripping can cause multiple stab wounds. Look, I know it sounds sleazy, but it turns out that ambulance chasing... pays off. I got a candid shot of Lex being admitted to the hospital." Chloe says, "I think I'll pass on an early peep show. But, um, you know, Jimmy there are ways other than cheesecake that you can make up for being late." As Chloe's kissing Jimmy's neck, Jimmy says, "As far as I could tell, Lex's security is not exactly cooperating with the police in the let-s-find-out-what-happened department. Don't you find this a little suspicious?" Chloe pulls away and says, "Uh... Well, given the large number of dead bodies rolling around lately I, uh, thought that Lex had eliminated all of his enemies. Why would someone attack him?" Jimmy hands Chloe his camera and says, "Well, the why... isn't as interesting as the how. Along with the stab wounds, the attacker chiseled a calling card into Lex's chest." Chloe says, "You mean, like a name?" Jimmy says, "No, it's like some... freaky symbols." Chloe sees a Kryptonian symbol and thinks that she needs to tell Clark about it. Later, Chloe arrives at the hospital to see Clark and says, "Hey, sorry I couldn't get here faster. But, you know, I have to drive." Clark says, "You dragged me out of bed because someone hurt Lex." Chloe says, "They did more than just hurt, Clark. Jimmy snapped a photo." Chloe shows Clark the photo of the symbol and continues to say, "That was carved onto Lex's chest. What does it say?" Clark says, "They're symbols. One for Traveler and the other for Savior." Chloe says, "There's only one group that appointed themselves the Savior of the Traveler." Clark says, "Veritas." Chloe says, "But Queen, Teague... Swann, Lionel, uh all the members of Veritas are dead." Clark says, "So who else could know about the Traveler?" Chloe says, "Or, more importantly, how to control him? I mean, Lionel said whoever had the two keys would find the device to control you. Now, what if Lex was attacked because he has both keys and he used them? Why you were away, I tracked Lex and the keys to a safety deposit box in Zurich." Clark says, "Then we're too late?" Chloe says, "Well, as far as I can tell you're still steering your own ship. Which means that whatever was in that box hasn't taken the wheel... yet." Clark says, "Well, that's comforting." Chloe says, "Well, maybe it's because Lex doesn't know who you are." Clark says, "There's only one way to find out."  Clark walks away and Chloe says, "You're not serious." Chloe follows him to Lex's room, and they find it empty. Chloe says, "Looks like your Q&A will have to wait." Later, they go to the Isis Foundation and Chloe's on the computer and Clark says, "Savior. Traveler." Chloe says, "I guess skywriting is passe." Clark sighs and says, "Chloe, the person who did this may have kidnapped Lex." Chloe says, "If they did, they only did it to save you." Clark says, "That's the last thing I need, someone going around killing people in my name." Chloe says, "That's probably how God felt about the Crusades." Clark says, "Why carve Kryptonian symbols into Lex's chest?" Chloe says, "Lex got himself into this." Clark says, "Yeah, but I let him. Wait. Go back. Right there, where the symbols overlap. Chloe, it creates a third symbol... Sanctuary." Chloe says, "Like this?" Clark says, "Yeah, there's no Kryptonian word that translates directly to church. Sanctuary would be the closest match. If you look at it that way, then savior could be..." Chloe says, "Angel or saint. The patron saint of travelers is... Sanit Christopher. Hand me your phone." Clark hands Chloe his phone and downloads the directions and continues to say, "Perfect. Everything you need at your fingertips. That'll take you where you need to go. Okay, there's only one St. Christopher's Cathedral on this continent, and it's in Montreal." Later, Chloe calls Clark and says, "Hey, Clark it's me. So, the LuthorCorp jet just left Smallville for Montreal. so whatever you can find up there I suggest you find it fast." Chloe hangs up and Jimmy walks in and says, "Uh, you are not gonna believe what I found." Chloe sees him in the same clothes that he had on yesterday and says, "Uh... I take it you're over the whole sleep thing." Jimmy says, "Symbols like the one hacked into Lex have been appearing around Smallville for years. Uh, on cave walls, burned into barn doors. Even drawn in the fields like crop circles. It's incredible." Chloe says, "No, Jimmy, it's a hoax. Just like those crop circles in England." Jimmy says, "Well, hey... the jury's still out. Those crop circles could have been made by aliens." Chloe says, "People have been playing with the Kawatche cave paintings for years, just trying to get on the 6'o'clock news." Jimmy says, "Wow, get a little competition in the story department and suddenly you go all Scully on me." Chloe smiles at Jimmy and says, "It's not that. It's just I don't think Smallville is destined to be the next Stonehenge." Jimmy says, "Even if it turns out it's a site of ritualistic killings? I pulled this from some research on the cave. It's an exact match to the carving on Lex's chest. And it's above a drawing." Chloe smiles and says, "Yeah, I've seen this before. It, it looks like a guy in a doorway to me." Jimmy says, "Well, sure, it looks that way. But according to the number one website on primitive pictography... it's actually a human sacrifice." Chloe frowns and says, "Oh, my God." Chloe thinks Clark. Later, Chloe arrives in Montreal to save Clark. Chloe finds Clark on a stone bed surrounded by Kryptonite and his chest carved with a symbol. Chloe says, "Oh, my God, Clark." Chloe grabs something to break the rock to release the Kryptonite liquid and then she covers it up. Chloe watches Clark wake up and he says, "Chloe, how did you..." Chloe says, "Oliver's jet. Fringe benefit of being a hero. Hi." Later, Chloe's opens her apartment to see Jimmy set up a romantic candle lit dinner and smiles and says, "Wow. And I was only gone for 24 hours. Remind me to stay away for a week next time." Jimmy smiles and says, "Well, I'm actually sort of celebrating myself. I just sold my first article." Chloe smiles and says, "That's fantastic, Jimmy! How?" Jimmy says, "Look, I know that you said that the symbols in the Kawatche Caves are old news, but I kept digging anyways. And it turns out that I'm not the only one interested. Apparently, Lex is pretty taken with the symbols too. Not surprisingly, since he's wearing one on his chest." Chloe smiles and says, "So, tell me exactly what the article is about." Jimmy pours the glasses of champagne and says, "Well, it's all very Joseph Campbell. Hero's journey and all that. Cheers." Chloe says, "Cheers." They both drink and Jimmy says, "See, most of the stories on the cave walls... are about good vs. evil. They tell of Naman... the savior of the people warring against Sageeth, the bringer of darkness." Chloe says, "Yeah, the story sounds familiar. I think Clark wrote a paper about it in high school." Jimmy says, "Well, in the beginning, Naman and Sageeth each have their own distinct symbol." Jimmy shows Chloe the cave photo he took, and Chloe says, "Well, then... why does this one look like a combination of the two?" Jimmy says, "Well, I was wondering that myself. So, I called the professor at Met U who specializes in hieroglyphics. And according to him, the symbol of good vs. evil is common in primitive cultures. It embodies the... the push, the pull of the two sides. It's a yin and yang." Chloe says, "The hero-antihero conflict." Jimmy smiles and says, "Exactly. But here's what got Lex all jazzed. This particular image portrays a resolution of that conflict." Chloe says, "Remind me how you resolve a conflict that has existed since the beginning of mankind." Jimmy says, "Well, in the Kawatche legend the hero's journey ends in a final battle." Chloe says, "So, according to your professor who's supposed to win?" Jimmy shakes his head because he doesn't know and Chloe's worried about Clark's future. The next day, Chloe goes to see Clark and shows him the photo Jimmy showed her last night and says, "I hate to be the bearer of bad news, Clark, but the writing is literally on the wall." Clark softly scoffs and says, "You're buying into this whole Naman-Sageeth mythology?" Chloe says, "After seeing you strapped down exactly like the human sacrifice in the cave drawings? In a word, yes." Clark says, "It wasn't a myth that tried to kill me, Chloe. It was a man." Chloe says, "And thanks to you saving him that man is still out there." Clark says, "Chloe, when Teague was performing that ritual, I realized that on some twisted level he actually thought he was doing the right thing. He thought he was protecting everyone... from me." Chloe sighs and says, "Last time I checked, the world was doing just fine with you in it." Clark shakes his head and says, "As long as there's something out there that can control me, I'm still a threat. And Teague reminded me how dangerous my abilities are. In the wrong hands, Chloe... they could destroy everything." Chloe says, "Which is a really good reason why you can't let Lex just walk away." Clark says, "It's not about Lex, Chloe. I X-rayed him. He didn't have anything on him. He didn't even find what he was looking for." Chloe says, "Maybe not this time, Clark, but every battle has its victor. I know you don't want to take Lex out. But Lex will not hesitate to destroy you when he gets the chance." Clark says, "What do you want me to do, Chloe? Kill him? If I do that... I'd just be turning into him myself." Chloe says, "Whether you like being on this pedestal or not you were put in this position. And someday, you're gonna have to play God." 

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