Chapter 12: Fracture

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Liana's in Detroit with Lex, because she followed him

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Liana's in Detroit with Lex, because she followed him. It's raining and Liana says, "What are we doing, Lex?" Lex says, "No one asked you to be here, Liana." Liana says, "Trust me, I never planned on being your Sundance Kid especially in the armpit of Motor City. What makes you think Kara's here?" Lex says, "Her necklace emits a GPS signal. She's somewhere within a hundred yards." Liana says, "You put a tracking device on her?" Lex says, "She has amnesia. Who knows where she could wander if she blacked out again?" Liana nods and says, "Right. You do that, I'm gonna find her own my own." Liana walks away from Lex. As Liana's walking she finds Kara in a cage and runs to her. Liana says, "Kara! Are you okay?" Kara says, "You know me? You know who I am?" Liana says, "You really don't remember, do you?" Kara shakes her head and says, "I, uh... This guy, Finley... He locked me in this room, saying he's protecting me. Can you get me out of here?" Since Kara doesn't remember Liana's powers, Liana says, "I'll get something to pick the lock." Liana turns around to see a gun pointed at her. Finley says, "This is none of your business." Kara says, "Finley, put the gun down, okay?" Lex yells, "Let her go!" Finley grabs Liana and points the gun at her. Finley says, "Hey, man, come on, look is it really worth killing her to get to me?" Liana says, "Rhetorical question, Lex!" Kara says, "Finley, don't do this." Finley says, "I won't let you get hurt, Linda." Liana steps on Finley's shoe and punches him the stomach, then Finely punches Liana and knocks her out. A few moments later, Liana wakes up and has her chained to a chair and Finley points his gun at Liana and he angrily says, "Stop lying!" Liana says, "I am telling you there's no cavalry on my heels. It's over just let us walk and we'll call it a day." Kara says, "Finley, let her go. What are you doing carrying a gun?" Finley looks at Kara and says, "Will you let me think, please?" Liana says, "Look, I was just following Lex. I'm nosy it's a problem." Finley says, "Yeah, no kidding. Linda is vulnerable right now and I wasn't about to let some metropolis playboy his sidekick drag her away saying they were gonna run tests on her. Who knows what he would have done to her?" Liana says, "What?" Kara says, "Liana, he's right. He's just protecting me and the Jacob Finley I know is not a killer. He's a warm and generous man who only wants the best for me." Finley walks to Kara and says, "This girl knows everything now. It's over. We can't stay here. Come Monday we're all gonna get busted. So what am I supposed to do?" Kara says, "Not this. Look we can... we can get out of the country like you said. No one will find us." Finley smiles and says, "Mexico." Kara smiles and says, "Yeah, Mexico." Finley smiles and says, "Okay." Finley puts the gun away and unchains Liana and puts her in the cage with Kara. Finley looks at Kara and says, "I'm just gonna grab some money. And when I come back, we'll figure out what do do with her." Kar says, "Yeah, okay." Kara takes the duct tape off Liana's arms and says, "You, okay?" Liana says, "Yeah." Kara says, "You called me Kara." Liana says, "Kara Kent. I'm your cousin's girlfriend Liana, whose jeans you've borrowed on more than one occasion." Kara says, "Right. Liana." Liana says, "Look, I know you've got amnesia. You must if you think your type is jailhouse chic. What's going on?" Kara says, "Finley's just a bus boy, that's all." Liana says, "Great. This doesn't exactly look like overtime. How did you end up here?" Kara sighs and says, "About... a month ago, I lost my memory. I wandered off the streets and into a diner where I met a waitress. She gave me her couch, got me my job. Everyone at the diner took me in like family." Liana says, "Seems like Finley wants more than a sister." Kara says, "He was usually so nice. I have no idea he could just... snap. I can't believe Lex is dead." Liana sighs and says, "I can't believe it either. And if we don't find a way out of here... we're next. Later, at Smallville Medical Center, Clark and Chloe meet up with Lionel, because they heard about Lex. Clark says, "Lionel, how is he?" Lionel says, "He's, uh, in a coma. Thank God, we got him medevacked back here from Detroit. The, uh, neurosurgeon managed to remove the bullet. He says that there is a very strong possibility that, uh... Lex... may never regain consciousness." Clark says, "I'm sorry. We never had a really close relationship. A lot was said. A lot went unsaid." Chloe says, "Clark, I know for a fact that every badge in Michigan is on this case, and still no suspects, no witnesses." Clark says, "I find it hard to believe the shooter would leave Lex in a ditch and no one would see anything." Lionel says, "Listen, I got a, a friend in Detroit, a cop. He, uh, called me when I found out about Lex. He... let me borrow this." Lionel gives them the pink phone to show them a picture of Lex and Kara." Clark says, "Kara's alive?" Lionel says, "This photo was taken less than 12 hours ago." A doctor walks up to them and says, "Excuse me, Mr. Luthor?" Lionel follows the doctor and Chloe looks at the phone and realization is across her face and says, "Clark, this is Liana's phone. Liana, Kara, and Lex? Not exactly "Three's Company." What is Liana doing in Detroit?" Clark says, "She told me there was a story in Detroit. Look, Kara's wearing a bandage. She may be hut, which means she doesn't have her powers." Chloe says, "And whoever Lex was dealing with wasn't playing around. Which means that if Liana and Kara were with him--" Clark cuts Chloe off and says, "Then they're in danger. We need to find them." Chloe says, "I'll use my healing powers on Lex, and he can tell us where Liana and Kara went." Clark says, "Chloe, the last time you used your powers I pulled you out of a morgue refrigerator." Chloe says, "Yeah, and then I walked out of there with a clean bill of health and some cold feet." Clark says, "Chloe, if you use your powers again you could die, permanently." Chloe says, "Or I could just be adjusting to the growing pains. I mean, we don't know. Nothing happened when I healed Jimmy. We have no choice. The only clues we have to where they might be are trapped inside Lex's mind." Later, Clark and Chloe to see Lana at the Isis Foundation and says, "I couldn't figure out what Lex was doing in Detroit, but I may have found something even more helpful." Clark says, "'Project Intercept?' Is it military?" Lana says, "LuthorCorp developed it for the military to interrogate terrorists by getting inside of their heads, literally. The entire project was spearheaded by Lionel. Intercept links a suspect and interrogator's brain waves exposing the interrogator to all the suspect's memories and thoughts." Clark says, "You're saying someone could actually go into Lex's mind?" Lana nods and Clark continues to say, "Where is this thing?" Lana says, "LuthorCorp still owns all the equipment, but it was mothballed six months ago." Chloe says, "Well, I can see why. How's this for fine print? "The project worked several times but then was abandoned after three of the interrogators dies during implementation. Autopsies revealed that their central nervous systems were completely fried." Clark says, "They're not like me. I can do this." Then they go to a LuthorCorp plant so Clark can go inside Lex's mind. Lana says, "Clark, your body maybe invincible, but who's to say your mind isn't vulnerable somehow?" Clark says, "It's my fault that Kara's missing." Lana says, "But using technology built by Lionel Luthor? God only knows why he created that thing." Clark says, "Lana, there's no other choice. This is for Liana and Kara." Chloe says, "Clark, just be careful, okay?" Lionel walks in with a man and the man says, "I watched three field officers die after their brains went into electro-neutral shock. This machine is a deathtrap." Lionel says, "I pay you a small fortune, doctor so please withhold your negative opinions." The doctor looks at Lana and Chloe and says, "Ladies, would you please wait outside?" The girls leave. Clark's in Lex's head and he sees Kara and Lex. Liana appears with her camera phone and says, "Quite the charmer, aren't you?" Clark turns to see Liana and Liana walks closer to Lex and he says, "You're a little out of your way for a club sandwich, Liana. What the hell are you doing here?" Liana says, "Well, I figured you weren't in Detroit for the electric-car show, but I never would have guessed a secret rendezvous with Clark's cousin." Lex says, "I'm helping her." Liana says, "Like I've never heard that one before." Lex says, "Look, I don't expect you to understand." Liana says, "You're right. I work better with visual aids. And now that I think about it, Clark does, too." Liana shows Lex the photo she took of him and Kara." Lex takes her phone and puts it in his jacket pocket. Liana says, "What the hell are you doing?" Then they hear glass breaking and Kara yell, "No!" They both go to Kara and see a van take off with her in it. Later, with Liana and Kara. Liana's picking the lock with a bobby pin and Kara says, "Are you sure you know what you're doing?" Liana says, "Trust me this isn't the first cage of been in." The lock is unlocked, and Liana smiles and says, "Bingo." They leave the cage and see a Finley pull up in his car. Kara says, "Oh, my God, he's back." Liana says, "We're gonna have to find another way out." They start running and Kara says, "I think the gates up ahead." They run towards the gate and Finley says, "After everything that I have done for you?" They stop running and look towards Finley. Liana says, "Look, before you get all trigger-happy again... let's be rational." Finley points his gun at them and says, "I am rational. But I just killed a man. This isn't how it was supposed to happen. Linda, I just wanted to protect you. I know what it's like to start over. People take advantage of you. They look at you different." Kara walks to stand in front of Liana and says, "I am different. And I'm not Linda." Liana looks at Kara and says, "What are you doing?" Kara says, "If you want to kill Liana, you'll have to kill me." Finley says, "If you don't come with me... guess you're gonna turn me in. And I can't go back to prison, Linda." Then a mountain of cars falls, and Finley runs away. The girls climb over the cars to see Finley knocked out and Liana knows it had something to do with Clark. Later, Liana walks into the Kent house and into the kitchen to get herself a drink. Liana sees Clark walk into the kitchen and Liana sighs and says, "I'm sorry, I didn't tell you I was following Lex... I just--" Liana gets cut off by Clark giving her a hug and he softly says, "I'm just glad you're okay." Liana smiles happy to be safe in Clark's arms.

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