Chapter 1 - The Mystery Crystal

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The story might be a short so sympathize me.

* In the middle of the sea, there was the Angel Island floating in the air miles away, seems everything in there is quite peacefully, as usual but then... suddenly something happened from the sky. The clouds are begun to turn darker like it's almost gotten into storm weather, Knuckles was resting and sense the weather has begun, he stood up to look at the sky with the suspicious look.

Miles away, it is appeared something just falling down straightaway to the Island like an asteroid, it strongly impacted into the ground, created such a massive explosive with the lightning bright. Knuckles immediately hear the explosion and look straight at where the asteroid just landed, he feels a bit worried and wanted to go there to check out if something's happened for the Island, can't leave the Master Emerald behind alone but to use Tails invention and activate the force field to protect the Master Emerald then he may allow himself to go check it out.

" Doctor, there's something just happened at the Angel Island. "

"Out of the way! "

Eggman grab the tablet to zoom in the screen in 100% and checking around the Angel Island and found something strange in the jungle.

" Hm? What's this? "

It seems a strange asteroid just falling down from nowhere, it looks just like... a crystal quark?"

" Ooh look shinny~ "

" Hmm... how interesting, let's quickly get there and take it to find out! Prepare my egg mobile!"


Sonic has arrived in the Angel Island to visit Knuckles by borrowing Tails' plane, in meanwhile he running's on his way to Knuckles, he saw some sort of black smoke is spilling out in the middle of the air, Sonic seems curious and continue running right ahead to the location that have smoke came from. When Sonic gets there quickly, he found the jungle was destroyed and there was the biggest hole, he slows walked near to it and sneak a look to see what's there.

Sonic gets surprised that saw it was the massive crystal and he jumped down and step near right to it, he kneels down that wondering himself is how did the massive crystal gets here. Sonic look around and decided to touch it, and then... it happened. The crystal energy immediately passed into Sonic's body without giving any pain, Sonic feels nothing hurt at all.

" W-what was that about...?? "

Sonic look at himself, then Knuckles just arrived.

" Huh?! What in name of Chaos just happened here and-- Sonic? What are you doing down there?! "

" I just come to visit you, then I discover... this."

Knuckles jumped down and gets near to Sonic.

" Came for a visit huh, what's up? "

" Nothing many Knuckles, is just... something strange just going on. "

" Speaking of strange just going on, I saw there was an asteroid falling directly to my Island and-- waitasec... this must be IT?!"

STH: The Mystery CrystalOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora