Part 3

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Continue with Sonic P.O.V:

Eggman purely laughing of joyful and did not expect Metal Sonic both arms have suddenly been falling on the ground in surprisingly, Eggman couldn't believe his eyes.
Metal Sonic head cut off in the flash, his body fell on the ground while I was holding Metal's head, Eggman looks in terrified and confused since when I escaped from the fallen tree, not to mention, he noticed something is different about me. I stared at Eggman with the deadly look then dropped Metal Sonic's head down and stomped his head crushing. 

" Is that all...? "

I said in calm and began step near to Eggman, he is getting more frightened and start his Egg Mobile plane to escaped but it was too late for that chance.

I quickly grabbed his Egg Mobile then give a creepy smirk and started punch on Eggman's face without giving a mercy, he shouts out to call for help.
Unfortunate, my punch has tied up before strike from the fly-bot then the other bots catch my body then pull me back. Eggman had a chance to escape the Forest Valley as fast as he could, I become frustrated and exterminate them all violently for getting in my way.

Since Eggman eventually escaped from me, I intense growl while I'm squeezing hand and strongly punched at the tree trunk that it had a mark of my fist.

My head went aching once more while I was gaining too much angry, I grunted in pain and leaned on the tree and trying to calm down for a while.

After that's done, I opened my eyes and see the mess I made, I didn't even know or remember it at all. I looked up at the night sky and I feel my leg getting hurt and bleeding, I kneel down, held the wound not to let blood spilled out until the blood keep seeping into my glove.

" d-darn it...! What should I do...? "

I'm getting sweat a lot, a little hard to breathe and I don't think that I can run back home with my leg like this... I take a long sigh, I closed my eyes to take a little nap in the forest for staying one night instead.

* in the morning *

Tails walking downstairs while yawning, he heading to the kitchen to make some coffee and breakfast. After that, he's heading to the other room and knock the door.

" Sonic, breakfasts ready! "

He enters room but I wasn't there, Tails didn't know I was left from since when, he take the paper I wrote and read it to let him knows. Tails sighed and left his room.

* back to the Egg Base *

" I was so close... I was so CLOSE! To beat Sonic but turns out he just--...... "

He sighed and sat down with the disappointment face.

" Even when I gave my own chance to take over Sonic...including with the new power I gave into my robots' army invented but they still did nothing! My poor Metal Sonic... I will fix him back later, right now I have another plan need to run for the next tune! "

Orbot: " ermm.... Doctor Eggman, your minions are back. "

Eggman: " well? Let them in!"

All of Eggman's robots are back and brought lot of critters inside, Eggman was almost forgot about that.

"Ohoho. Speaking of which, that blue pesky rat maybe lucky made it out of his life's this time but he'll never sees what coming next.... Hehehe! I knew it I could counting on you all. Now let's start with the new plan."

* Back to the Forest Valley *

I woke up and open my eyes slowly while the morning already sunshine.

I tried to get up careful, almost fall. I had to find a long stick to keep me stand properly but a little still shivering from my right leg, even I became look like this, the others will gonna gets worry sick for this.

I look at Metal Sonic's head being crushed, and I went a little surprised and wonder was it me crush him or he just got accident. I may don't remember but I almost feel bad about him being crushed so badly but I bet is Eggman will come back here later.

" I'm.... s-so sorry, Metal... "

I gentle apologized and so, I take a walk to leave the Forest Valley.

Meanwhile walking and while thinking from last night, I only can remember when I was about to get crushed from the tree trunk fall (#2)
-- but then... my memories went empty, I shook my head, keep walking on the way back to the Emerald hill city.

* Later at 11am *

I've finally made myself back home, my body still feel tired, numb and a little loss of substance, I started entering the house then Amy suddenly called my name, I went startle and can't let Amy sees my injury body but meh, too late for that...

Amy: *gasp*
- " Sonic, what happened to you?! "

She looked at me with her worried face.

Sonic: " h-hey Amy, I-I was just... had a little accident during my run but I'm okay-- "

Amy: " no Sonic, you're not okay at all. Look at you, you are all injured and oh coconuts, your leg! Come with me Sonic, I will pack your wounds up right away."

She grabs my hand and lead me to her house, although I did not want to head her house but heh, at least she still cares about me as she used to...


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