Part 4

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Sonic P.O.V:
* At Amy's house *

Sitting on the sofa resting during waiting for Amy coming back. I closed my eyes in to take a deep breath and breathe it out then Amy has just come into the living room while she brought breakfast (is a bowl of hot chicken soup) and some dessert there.

She put it on the table and touched my forehead to check if I'm sick, yep. I am feel a bit sick... just great...

"My poor Sonic, you seems a little warm there, I'll go get the first aid kit and some medicine for you. "

She head back to kitchen to get the first aid kit and some medicine. Guess I'll have to stay in her house for a few days then, meanwhile thinking about Eggman, I don't know if i should I be worry or not but... let just not thinking about him just yet. I gentle shook my head for not overthinking.

Amy has return and she started pack my wounds up carefully first. I looked at Amy that how much I am grateful to her, she always worries about me whenever I'm in trouble or injured, she could do everything to protect me, I also wanted to help her in return but maybe I was too shy or something(?) Who am I kidding? I always there with her, to protect her, save her from the dangerous and helped her only necessary.

She looked straight at me and I looked away while blushing a bit. She smiled me while she knows I was looked at her.

" Sonic? "

She called my name as I just surprise a bit then look at her to reply.


Amy: "do you... still care about me after everything I've done to you?"

I didn't expected to hear that from her, I was about to reply but-

Amy: "hehe sorry for asking silly, Sonic..."

" ... Why must apologize me, Ames? "

I asked, she looked down a bit like she felt guilty about something she's done to me.

Amy: " I'm sorry about... the way I treated you... I just wanted to be with you but all you do is run away from me. I always mad at you, hurt you, forced you and disturbed you and-- and... "

I hold Amy's hand to calm her, she looked at me.

"You don't have to sorry for, it's alright. I should be the one who apologize for you, Amy... but there's no need for both of us ashamed to each other, that's all once happened in the past so let's us put it all behind and start with the new journey, alright Ames? I'm always with you in need."

She get emotional, then nodded head to agree, she jumped hug me tight as she happy that I encouraged her but her act and hugs are never changed, she still the same as herself I known all along.

"Y-Youch! A-Amy, I'm still hurt...! "

Amy: "o-oh! Sorry Sonic... I forgot; I should be more careful."

She let go of me.

Sonic: " nah, no sweat... As long as you don't choke me like you did before. "

Amy: "oh wait, almost forgot! Here, have a nice soup I made for you. Eat it before it gets cold, I'll go get you a glass of water."

I chuckled and thanks to her, I carefully hold a bowl of soup and eat it.

* Meanwhile at Tails's house *
Tails P.O.V:

As I was in my workshop to fixing my Tornado's propeller while hearing the news from the radio, I kept feeling worried about Sonic if he is okay out there, I tried to clear my head to continue my work.

Suddenly the radio begins error like it lost signal, I walked near to it and try to change every channels but it's no use, still error as I am confused why it happened.

I shut it down then head back to the Tornado and continue fixing.

After fixed, I exhale from my hard work is finally done but in then. I see something shining out of the window in a distant. I walked near to the window to checking from the outside then I ran out of the workshop and follow the shining thing.

Found the shining spot, I walked near to it and pull the bushes out of the way and saw it was the small crystal. I picked it up but it zapped my hand, I grab it with a tong and decided to bring it into my workshop and put it on the table.

I grab my radar gizmo to scanning the crystal to check it out, the gizmo begin searching the results but it will take few long minutes, I put the radar down on the table next to the crystal during waiting for results, I walked out of the workshop to do something else instead of waiting.

Not long, the crystal began transferred the power into Tails's objection, including his Tornado to take over the control them.

When I came back to the workshop, I hear the crashing sound, I immediately ran to my workshop and enter in that saw all my objects I invented all has take over control. I begin get frightened, don't know how to stop this.

I take a few steps back while all of my objects are heading near to threating me, they're just too many of them but to use my wrench and hammer to smash them all for stop them.

After I destroyed them all, I walked inside the workshop and see the back door been destroyed by my Tornado.

"oh no, not my tornado too...! "

I'm too worried if the Tornado do something horrible then I grab the radar to search for Tornado signal but my radar did not responded anything, it's like... broken, the screen is statically when I turn my radar on, I looked at the crystal while wondering if it was the one causing trouble with my machines and my stuff; I will deal with the crystal later.

And so I run out of the workshop, run into to my house to grab my laptop.

Step out of the house and standing middle of the street to get the Tornado signal, luckily I logged in and connected to Tornado system so I can see where she go. I opened my laptop, trying to search for it but then.... the Tornado just come back and flying towards at me real quick, I had to dodge out of the way and fleet to escape as the Tornado keep chase me.

Since how did my Tornado getting so fast to get close to me while I need to buy some time to think fast how to stop it. I had to use my twin tails and swing them around begin to fly away fast, the Tornado keeps following me non-stop so I decided need to distract it but I must take her to the beach nearby.

Once I just take her out to the beach zone with nobody's there, I quickly take a hidden in the bushes with coconut trees that she cannot found me. The Tornado started search me. I must wait for her to gets near to the coconut tree so I can reach her control.

In the meantime it searching, I open my laptop and to checking the code inside her system and memories, the codes are mess up that I cannot read it, it's like it been causing by a virus.

When the Tornado finally gets near to the coconut tree, I immediately jumped out of the bushes and take a seat but it started flying round and round really crazy to drop me off the seat but thankfully I already take a seatbelt, grab the wheel to hold myself steady then I began to use my laptop cord to plugged into my Tornado and started to delete all the messy codes, I recode again as I can remember.

The Tornado went gone mad, it begin volunteers fly towards to the huge rock to killed both of us.

" wait-- w-what are you doing?! "

I can't control it, the Tornado keeps speed ahead, I pressed load button to loading the recode and saved it in the system.

After it's done loaded, I transfer my recode into my Tornado memories and as it started slow its speed down as I must grab hand drib quickly and steer turn to the right side dodge away from the rock instant before we nearly crashed into it. I laughed in relief that my Tornado has finally back to normal. Now I must head back home firt then I will find it out later.


STH: The Mystery Crystalحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن