Part 12

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Back at Spiral Hill Village when everyone was having a small party to celebrate, Sonic just stood at a distance, worrying about something he couldn't predict. He was about to leave but Tangle came to invite Sonic to a little party after his visit ended.  Sonic really wants to stay but he needs to go.

Tangle still begged Sonic to stay with everyone. Sonic sighed and gave up, but he would rather accept that it was okay to stay for a little while. When Sonic agreed to stay, he went to the party to greet everyone. He don't need to eat anything, just drink some soda or he can buy some chillidog if he stop by.

Tangle asked Sonic about where the robot from when they fought them came from, it looked very strange and new. That one question suddenly reminded Sonic that he had fought them once (#8).

Sonic also began to feel even more curious. Rouge, Sonic and Omega fought them last time, but by the time the battle was over, he had fainted. He wondered if they were made by Eggman or they were other robots.

The difference between them and the badniks he had met was that they were big, strong, their outer armor was very tough, they were also quite agile, Sonic kept whispering to himself that only Eggman could literary create them that powerful, no one else can.

Tangle poked Sonic's nose by her tail to snap him up, Sonic was startled.

"Sonic, are you okay? What are you staring at?" She asked, gazing straight into Sonic's eyes.

Sonic snapped himself out from his thought by shake his head a bit.

"Oh s-sorry, I just um... got a little distracted by something else. It's a beautiful night tonight, eh?"  Sonic replied to Tangle.

Tangle agree the view of the beautiful night sky filled with many stars. Whisper and with her Wisp friends approach near to Sonic and Tangle. She offers Sonic a plate of chocolate cake. Sonic thanks to Whisper as he accepted her offers.

"Mind if I can join with you two?" Whisper asked in her whispering voice.

"Of course, girl! Free free to join anytime!" Tangle replied.

But Sonic just stood there while thinking again, he keeps having a strange feeling that try to tell him something is in trouble. He holding a plate of cake that he couldn't finished it but place it back on the table, he excused himself to Tangle and Whisper he needs to go somewhere for stay out a bit, alone. Tangle and Whisper are gets a little concern about Sonic as they watch Sonic leaving the party.

Once Sonic have left, he saw a ghost Wisp fly toward to Sonic, she tries to tell Sonic about something what she saw that before, unfortunately Sonic couldn't understand what Ghost Wisp try to say. He just scratch his head in confusing but he concerned there's something is going on that she's panicking about.

"Sorry Ghost, I understand your action but I can't seem to understand clear what you're saying..."

The Ghost Wisp feel disappointed that she can't tell Sonic know what she was talking about. She decided to push Sonic go, she pulling Sonic by force.

Sonic yelps as he surprised about Ghost Wisp trying to do to him, thankfully Whisper and Tangle are arrived just in time.

"What's going on here?"  Tangle asked.

"Oh hello there, Ghost." Whisper greeting.

The Ghost Wisp keep forcing Sonic to go quickly, Sonic telling the girls about Ghost Wisp was trying to say something but he can't understand what is it, and now she acting a little rush. Whisper can help with that which she had her wolf mask with her, a mask that can translate Wisp native language. She put her mask on and tell Sonic to ask Ghost Wisp.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 27 ⏰

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