Part 11

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At evening, during everyone celebrating for their heroes, Sonic decide take his leave the town but Tangle and Whisper invited that want Sonic to stay for a little bit longer.

Besides, he only just came here for a couple of hours ago. Sonic really want to stay to celebrate with the citizens and his friends here

Sonic: "hehe I would love to but I have many other things out there need to deal with-"

Tangle please Sonic to stay by force him - (she also doing cute face like a kitty); it's been so long Sonic not coming to Spiral Hill Village for a visit until today, the Wisps are also want Sonic stay by hugging all over him.

Sonic laughing from their hug all over his face that couldn't see anything. He left speechless but can't say "no" to friends who invited to a party so, he guess himself don't mind but to stay anyway. It won't be that hurt, they all get excited and lead Sonic to the party and have some fun together.

Meanwhile, Amy woke up then look around where she at, realizing she still in the cage, knowing where is it. She bang the bars but it only shocks her a bit, Cream and Cheese are so scared. Amy went hug Cream and Cheese to calm them. The others are also trying their best to escape but they can do nothing useful.

Eggman arrived while chuckling. Vector shout out with Eggman:


Charmy: "Yeah you better tell us what's going on!"

Espio ease Vector and Charmy not get too loud mouth, Eggman explain to them all this is just part of his test. He wanted to show them all what he have invented. Amy asks what test for.

Eggman explained, A test of physical, psychological and ability. Tails wonder what are those can do for.

"Okay? We're listening." Tails raised an eyebrow in curious.

Technically, in order of the crystal/gemstone storytelling, they have some sort of... greatest power could ever exist for a thousand years ago. There's a Legendary once conquer the world by having this source power, he's the most greatest one and used to be a hero of the world.

Somehow he became a the aggressive monster, hunting down and eliminating all who against him, he unfortunately caused by a spell and seal up inside this crystal forever as a punishment for what he's done to all of his lies, things are over. And after knowing about this Legendary being sealed, the information about this crystal was considered undisclosed, permanently.

Now for the main part, Eggman gives them a demonstrate to understand clearly how can the crystal power works.
(Using A,b,c as person for example) 

- First: When person A got shot hit by the Crystal energy source, person A will start to lose themselves, only for a short period.
- the energy will start growing slowly inside the person body could caused them get sickness like... symptoms of headache, dizziness, nausea.
- Second: A few minutes (about 4-5 minutes) after person A loses their control, they will arbitrarily kill other victims without knowing it. According to scientific design, Eggman says is he have set up a machine that can take over controlling them and do whatever he tells them to do. Pretty intriguing eh?

Tails: "do excuse me for cut in line, Eggman. Are you saying that you're be able to control each all of Mobians and conquer the world? Doesn't that seem a little... too evil?"

Eggman: "hoho, it's far more than that my genius fox friend. You see, I run a lot of solutions about this, it's quite convenient. Now I have a little agreement with you if you could accept or not, it's up to you. It might spare your life if you will." 

Amy: " We're not that foolish to fall for... whatever that is, Eggman! Forget it!"

Eggman: "as expected but I'm not finish yet~"

Eggman push the lever to activate the the system showing the crystal attached inside the machine. He called it... "Egg-blaster"
Knuckles recognize that crystal back from the Angel Island where Sonic and him were the first found it before Eggman. (#1)

Knuckles: "that's it.."

Tails: "huh? You know that crystal, Knuckles?"

Knuckles: "that's the crystal were impacted at my Angel Island when I explained to you after I took Sonic to your house before, remember?"

Rouge: "it's sure look beauty~"

Shadow: "so, are you gonna do to us if you use that machine? Using us as some puppets or what?"

Eggman: "ohoho that'll might work, Shadow, but no, it only use to defeat all of you 'til knock out with 1 shot, I'll keep that in mind if I had to. It's a machine of destruction."

Tails noticed there is a blueprint of reference from a distance. It a new machine design of doodle, not sure what does it can do but he have a bad feeling about that machine.

Eggman: "enough chit chat, within this crystal I've found. I shall release him into this world, he and I will work together and no one will be able to stop me!"

Eggman laugh in maniacally then he start to pull the lever to start an engine. The crystal started to glowing brighter and brighter, they are all close eyes because it too bright. The crystal's energy gradually and unexpectedly drained away, the crystal automatically turned off its energy source as if it had lost its energy.  nothing happens.

Eggman didn't expect it to be so unlucky, he didn't understand why he wasn't there, or maybe it was because he stole it by mistake or maybe he was freed from the seal somehow. What a humiliating part right in front of them.

Everything was very quiet there, no one dared to say anything but only one.

Vector: " ... bummer ~~" 

A word that quite teasing Eggman. Eggman slam the techno keyboard in angrily. The door suddenly goes exploded, the robot corpse flew inside and slide to Eggman's foot. Eggman seem have a feeling that someone is finally here.
It was Sonic has arrived, he step out of the smoke and drops the robot corpses down with the smirk on his face in front of Eggman. They're all calling his name in joy to see him finally here except Shadow didn't.

"Alright! SONIC!"

"Did I miss the best part?"

Eggman frightened up and didn't ready anything yet.
" S-Sonic?! How did you- Not now...! "

Sonic: "what's wrong Egghead? Not happy to see me~?"

Eggman growled in angry then call his robot minions and give them an order to attack Sonic right away to keep them distracted while Eggman need to buy some more time to fix the machine and the crystal quickly.


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