Part 7

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I'll put the background picture later.


Back at Eggman's facility, he took the wrench making the new robot then he took every leftover gem he found, he attached it to the robot, the battery power increased and once attached to the robot, they are finished and ready in each match. Eggman is very proud and excited to use them to destroy the world and defeat Sonic with his friends. With only 3 days left, he had already made his plans and hoped that Sonic would not be able to ruin his plans this time like the last time failed.
He wanted to test the new robot he had just finished, thinking about what to test the new robot with, his eyes fixed on the tiny flickies still trapped in their cages.
He chuckled and approached them. 

"hoho! Don't mind me if one of you is going to be use for my test. " Eggman said,

He opened the cage and caught a small rabbit, the rabbit squeaks in its fear. Eggman placed a bot and released the rabbit into the experiment room, the door closing on its own, "let's start..." he pressed the button and see what would happen.

The bot opened its eyes and stared at the rabbit still wandering there while it trying to find a way to escape, the bot ran towards the rabbit and crushed it mercilessly, blood spilled out onto the floor. Eggman had never known his bot had never played so violently. He ordered Cubot and Orbot to clean up and they clean up the blood, Cubot and Orbot felt sorry for the small flickies...

Whether Sonic will defeat the new robots or not will know, Eggman opened the door and took the bot out of the test room, thinking over and over again feeling this will affect a lot of lives for everyone, but he just needs to defeat Sonic, and all his plans will come true as he has long wanted.
He went back and resumed work and was ready to take the caged animals to his office.

The aliens' wisp was also afraid, wanted to report to Sonic, but they could not escape because they were still trapped in the capsule machine and gave hope to Sonic to stop Eggman someday soon.

Back at Sonic's house, Sonic is running on the treadmill, listening to music while he runs. He pressed the jog button to stop for a short break, he drank another soft drink and suddenly remembered a box of cherry tea that someone had sent.
He walked out of his gym room and check it out.
He took the box of cherry tea out of the kitchen cupboard, he opened it and took a tea bag to check around, nothing suspicious but Sonic ran over to Tails' house to ask some.

When he arrived at Tails' house, Tails was watching live TV, when suddenly he heard a knock on the door from the living room, he ran out and opened the door. "Ah! Sonic! What can I help you?" 

"Hi Tails, I'm here for this box. Someone sent it to my house this morning without leaving the sender's name. Did you send this to me?" Sonic asked.

Tails shrugged because he didn't send that box of tea "sorry, I didn't do it. Uh why don't you come on in, Sonic?"  Tails invited Sonic to get inside the house.

Sonic entered the house and closed the door behind, walked over to the couch and sat down and set the box on the table for temporary.

"By the way, have you heard the news?" Tails asked.

"What's the news?" Sonic replied.

" I've heard there are many strange gems that all over the place, they begin to start to find them and observe what they are and bring them to the scientist station to investigate. It's curious what are they tho." Tails said that he shows Sonic the small gem he had.

"Eh? Since when did you have that gem? Are you hurt?!" Sonic panicked.

" Uh... I-I'm fine, really. I found it in the bushes pass few days. It went out of crazy stuff going on." Tails asked.

He sighs in relief,

" I'm glad you're okay, buddy. You should know, if without warning, that gem can deal a damage to people if they touch it... might causing a lot of serious problem..." Sonic said.

"H-How do you know that?" Tails asked.

Sonic being silent because he doesn't want to say a word.

"I... heard from someone told that to me..." Sonic replied in lie instead of telling the truth for better.

"Oh really? Huh, I didn't expect it would be able to do that in such a harsh way..." Tails felt fortunate that he was fine in the first touch.

"Same as you. Listen, I can't let the citizens wandering around the world to investigate the gems. It's way too risk for their lives. They just don't know what they are doing."

"So, what are you going to do with them?" Tails asked.

"I will take my responsibility on everything I've got. It's only the matter to keep people safe." Sonic confident.

"But what if you get hurt?" Tails was worried about that.

"Hey, I'll be fine. trust me, I've got myself a protection. I'll be back soon before you know it, I promise." Sonic put his hand on Tails' shoulder to ironing him.

Tails kept his composure and nodded slightly.
"Okay Sonic, I'm counting on you, and I believe you can do it-- oh and here."
Tails gives Sonic a small capsule with a gem in it.
"You need this too, right? I'll give it back to you." Tails smiled.

"Alright, thanks Tails! See you later and I'll leave this box here for you to keep, bud!"

Sonic took the small capsule from Tails' hand and ran out of the house to do his mission.


STH: The Mystery Crystalحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن