Chapter 2

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"Zee! Can you believe it! She asked me to open my store!" she gushed over the letter to her owl who stands really still.

"Oh this will be fun!" she continued. "I'll have to start now!" she realized.

For the next hour or so, she busied herself cleaning and decorating her cottage. It is normal for witches and wizards to open their shops and stores in their own houses instead of the marketplace. Much cheaper without the rent for a tent and space too.

She organized her books neatly in her bookcases and put freshly picked flowers on tables and brought samples of wands to her living room when she saw a wooden panel. Maia the Wand Maker, it reads.

She took it and went out to hang it up beside her door. "Guess this is it, Zee," Maia said, out of breath from all the cleaning. "All there's left is to open up."

Opening up the store is arguably the easiest and hardest thing to do. To open, she have to loosen up the barrier of protection her mother installed surrounding her house. It will release some magic and it will mark her shop. That very same magic will also appear on brochures when wizards or witches need her services.

The tricky part is keeping it open without losing complete control. If she loses all control, the boundary will fall and she'll have to call her mother to set her another boundary or bear the consequences from weak protective boundaries. Meaning, fighting rogue witches or wizards, wild animals, mystical creatures on the hunt, and more.

"Huh. Okay. You got this Maia. Just take control and slowly release it. Slow and steady," she said before assuming control and doing exactly that.

Sweat broke out on her forehead as she lowers the barriers and as soon as she was done, she fell on her knees from exhaustion. She rarely lowers it and every time is a toll on her. This time, she's got to hold it up. "I got this," she reassured herself.

Panting, she got up. "Guess that's it, Zee. Now we wait," she said as she walked back to her kitchen to brew some tea.


An hour passed with no one coming except for some animals that decided to pay a visit.

"Hey little bunny," Maia said as she caught sight of the fluffy animal hopping around near her freshly watered tulips.

At the sound of her voice, the rabbit in sight stopped what it was doing and turned to face her. She knelt on the green grass surrounding her little abode and put her palms out in the air. As she holds them still in a non-threatening position, the rabbit brought his face up and twitched its little pink nose. A few heartbeats passed before the rabbit hopped closer to where she was kneeling.

"Oh! Look what I have here!" Maia found a carrot in one of her pockets. Based on how frequent it happened, she's no longer surprised to find objects in her pockets. "Do you want it?" she asked as she showed her carrot.

One time, when she was out on a picnic, she was in a total rush that she forgot to bring the most important thing needed -- the picnic basket. It was a trek back home so she decided to simply stay at her chosen place without food and drink in the scenery. However, later on, after she's feeling a bit hungry from sightseeing and walking, she found a sandwich wrapped in one of her many handkerchiefs. How odd, she thought. It was strange but she was nonetheless grateful for it. Ham and cheese, she mused after taking her first bite, my favourite! Funny how that came to be inside her pocket when she distinctly remembered to pack it in the forgotten basket. After all, it was her favourite and she could not -- would not forget about it. Though after the second, or maybe was it her third? bite, she quickly rid of the thought and continued strolling through the forest.

Another time was when she was walking down the pavement they have in the mortal road. It was her first time there and she met someone who asked her for a coin. Maia has never been to the mortal realm before and therefore have little to no mortal things. Including money. But again, as she stuck her hands into her pockets, she found something cold to the touch. She grabbed the foreign object and brought out a circle-shaped copper. She looked back to the man and asked, "Is this a coin?" The man nodded fervently and she handed it over to him. "Here you go! Have a great day!" From there on, things pop up in that pocket of hers and she never questioned it again.

Back to the rabbit, she thought.


Tempted by the offering, the rabbit jumped closer to her and leapt straight to her arms.

"Hey fella," she cooed cradling the rabbit who is now busy chomping on the carrot. "Can I name you, little one?" she asked the animal in her arms. The rabbit looked up to her and this time, its ears twitched. It gave a really small nod if it can even be counted as one.

"Alright... how about Daisy?" she asked. The questioned rabbit tilted its head as if to ask, why? "You remind me of someone I met in the mortal world. A human," she explained to it. "She loves the colour white, just like your coat of fur, she loves rabbits like you, and she was a lot like you," she continued.

Daisy was a kind mortal around her age that showed her the ropes in the mortal world. They quickly became friends and it was a shame that she had to go so quickly.

The rabbit agreed and Maia grinned. "Nice to meet you, Daisy. I'm Maia." The two spend more time together. Maia chattered away while Daisy chewed her carrot.

"It's almost sundown, you better go home Daisy. You wouldn't want to scare your family," Maia said putting Daisy down on the ground. Looking as Daisy didn't hop away back to where she comes from, she tries to persuade her, even bribing her with more carrots! However, to no avail, she wouldn't go and so she scooped her up again and went back to her cottage. Or rather, tried to as a man stood a few meters away from her.



Does anyone here also find random things in their pockets? 

Can't only be the Maia and I can it? 

Tell me what you think of this chapter! 

- Mushroomfairies 

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