Chapter 7

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The first time Maia saw how wands were made, she was 9. Back then, she was living with her mother and on that day, her mother invited her to a trip to the Market. The Market is a maze with its twisting roads. More to the challenge that there are so many people bustling around. Everywhere she looked, tents were crowded with customers. Her mother invited her to purchase her first wand. But first, they had an adventure in the Market.


"Mama!" A nine-year-old Maia said, excited. "Are we in the Market?"

"Yes we are," her mother answered. "Come, Maia. I need to do some things first before we can get your wand."

The two of them zipped and slipped through the crowd and to the start of their adventure in the famed Market.

"First stop, the potion stall," her mother said as they stood in front of a grand purple tent. Her mother led the both inside and she saw shelves and shelves of potions. Some were purple, another was blue, and one's silver in color. It was a wonder to her. Her mother was talking to a lady as she scanned the tent when she found a vial that took her interest. It was shaped like a conch shell and was filled with shimmery gold liquid. Maia tugged her mother's hand and pointed to the vial. "What's that? I like it," she said once she gained her mother's attention.

"That's the Gold's Child," an unfamiliar voice answered.

"What's that?" she asked again.

"It's a potion to give golden luck to the drinker," Maia's mother answered.

"Oh, can I have it?" Maia asked.

"No, Maia. Come, we have to go," her mother said, taking her hand, "Don't you want to get your wand?"

Maia perked up at the mention of getting her wand and immediately allowed her mother to drag her away from the potion stall.

They did a few more trips to Mrs Dott's Apothecary, the bank, the Cauldron Shop, and the Menagerie before they wind up to the shop of one of the best wand-maker in their world. Arturo Acajor is the person everyone looks for when they need their wands fixed or when they need a new wand.

Maia squealed and ran straight into the shop. She heard of Arturo from her studies and everyone's talk. He quickly became her idol and she hoped that someday she'll be like him. A great wandmaker. It was her first time seeing her idol and she was excited.

The inside was huge. Boxes of wands stacked up everywhere in a neat manner. Wizards and witches alike chatter with each other and goblins run around the place, slipping through the mass. They were taking measurements, materials, payment, and offered their service to the customers.

"Hello, little girl," a goblin said as it approached her. Its hand waved in a greeting. "My name is Gretta."

"Hello, Gretta. I'm Maia," replied Maia. "Can you help me find my wand?"

"Oh yes! I can! Are your parents with you? We wouldn't want them to worry about you," Gretta said.

"Maia! There you are!" Maia's mom exclaimed as she saw Maia. "Don't run off like that again."

"Yes, mom," she said.

"Now, I believe you and Gretta were going to find your wand yes?" her mom asked. "Go ahead but please stay safe," she continued. However, before letting her go, she took Maia's right hand and muttered an incantation. A blue circle appeared and her mom smiled. Maia knew what was happening. Her mother has done it over a hundred times. It was a tracking spell so that her mother can always know where Maia is. It has proven to be useful when they trekked through forests. She tended to veer down another path when her mother wasn't looking.

She and Gretta walked all over the store and she hit someone.

"Hey, little one," the man she hit levelled himself to her height, "I didn't see you there."

Arturo Acajor. She bumped into Arturo Acajor himself. She couldn't believe it. She jumped around and hugged him. He hugged back. Maia's brain short-circuited and all she can focus on was that she was hugging her idol.

"Can you help me find my wand?" she asked.

"Sure!" he answered. And so they spent hours trying to find her wand but none seem to be her best fit.

"It seems that none of them are a perfect fit for you. Good, yes. But not perfect," Arturo muttered. "How about I make you a custom one?," he asked Maia.

"Yes! Can I watch?" she replied.

Arturo laughed at her response but replied nonetheless, "Of course!"

He leads Maia and Gretta to his workplace behind the store's clamour and the customers. "This is where the magic happens," he announced. His arms were outstretched showing off his large workspace. Different tools lined the walls and sketches were pinned on a huge board.

"Woah," Maia sighed in amazement as she drank in the sight.

"Come! Gretta, can you take her measurements?" He looked at Gretta.

"Yes sir!" Gretta saluted and took out her measuring tape.

"Okay." He clapped his hands. "First step, measurements and design. What do you want your wand to look like Maia?"

"Umm... I don't know," she answered truthfully.

"S'okay," he assured her. "Materials. What core do you want Maia? We have phoenix feather, owl feather, unicorn hair, kelpie hair," he went on. "I think you'll find owl feather twined with unicorn hair and a bit of phoenix feather to work rather well for you."

"Okay," she agreed.

The day went on and the trio spent quite some time in Arturo's space before he was done with her wand.

"Here's your wand, Maia." He handed her a rectangular box.

She took it gingerly and opened it at his encouragement. She gasped as she opened it. The wand that lay inside was stunning. It was 13 inches of white wood with some sparkle on it. Just enough to slightly sparkle when the light hits it. Carvings of leaves and lines marred the wood. A pinkish marble blended with the wood at the bottom part of the wand, leaving it cool to the touch.

"Thank you!" Maia exclaimed. "Thanks, Arturo! Thanks Gretta!"

"You're welcome," he said with a grin on his face. Gretta nodded.

"I want to be like you someday," Maia confessed to Arturo.

"Keep in touch butterfly," he said, "Send an owl if you ever need any help or advice," he continued.


Now, Maia was 17 and she was getting closer to her lifelong dream. She can't wait to meet Arturo again when he comes back from his 'magical world tour'. But first, she's got a wand to make. 


A quick update before the weekend :D Next update will probably be on Monday or Tuesday. Bye, have a great weekend!

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