Chapter 5

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"Save the trees! Save the trees!" 

Upon entering the park, her senses were bombarded. Noises from all directions meet her ears. Chants of saving the trees, people talking, celebrating, crowded her ears. Her eyes drank the sight of people roaming around in groups, people exercising, and... people getting married? 

Back to the tree, she head over to the center where the chants starts getting louder. 

"Save the trees!" 

"Come on!" 

"Save the trees!" 

A large group of people wearing green were almost completely surrounded the tree. The Angel Oak tree. There were even some tents perched near the base of the trees. I wonder if they camped there? Is it legal? she thought. 

She walked closer to the group and passed through the group when she is finally within 10 meters to the tree. Putting one foot in front of the other, she slowly decrease the distance. "Hey! Please don't touch the tree." was what she heard as someone touched her shoulder. 

She turned out and faced an adult around her early 30s. "Uh what?" Maia said as she tried understanding what the adult said a moment ago. She craned her neck back and see if she was actually talking to someone else. 

"Hello child. I'm Diana. I'm in a community trying to save trees and this tree is off-limits. Sorry," the lady -- Diana said. 

"I thought it was open to public?" She read it in the banners they have outside the park. 

"Oh it is! Just not for the touch. Only our members can touch the tree. You see, we're trying to preserve the tree," Diana explained. 

"Oh..." Maia trailed on. She may look calm on the outside but that was not the case inside her head. Think, think, think. The second part of what Diana sank and she came to a decision. "Is it open to public? Your community, I mean."

"Yes it is! Would you like to join in?" Diana asked pleasantly. 

"Yes please!" Maia answered feigning excitement. 

"Wonderful. Before you can join in, we have one question for you," Diana said. "Follow me."

Diana led her to one of the benches in the parks and talked to another woman about new recruits or something. She didn't really listen to what Diana was talking about. 

"Fill this out and we'll see if you're qualified to join in," Diana said cheerily as she handed Maia a paper and pen before leaving her to her own devices. 

She quickly found a seat in one of the benches and filled out the sheet. 

1. Name: Maia

2. Age: 17

3. Why are you joining us? Because I recently read books about plants, specifically about the Angel Oak tree and quickly became hooked, she answered. 

It's not like she can just blatantly write that she's here to cut down a branch from the tree. 

4. Your goals: To protect trees and plant more trees.

The actual goal she had in mind: Get the branch and get the hell out of there. 

5. Do you have any educations in plants? Mention them if you have: Planning to take a major in plants and have taken a program that teaches me about plants. Excel life science. 

Real answer: Nope. Aside from the occasional light reading and tutors from her mother when she was younger, she have none. Honestly, the only reason her tulips aren't dead are cause they were enchanted by her mother to avoid them from wilting and dying. She cannot keep any plant alive. 

She finished a few more before hopping out of her bench and set out to find Diana. 

"Diana!" she called out when she saw her mingling with a group of people. She walks over to Diana and gave her the answered sheets. "I finished already."

"Alright! Let's see it shall we?" Diana read out her answers and by the end of the question, she was happy. A huge smile was plastered on her face. "Well, welcome to the group kiddo!" 

"Thanks Diana!" Maia said. 

"Here Maia. Wear this so that we know that it's you." She handed Maia a nametag. "Wear it at all times."

"Will do!" Maia replied, putting on the name tag. "So.. can I go see the tree?"

"Remember, no touch!" Diana said. 

Wait what?!  "But I thought that members of the community can touch it? It was in the perks in the sign up slip after the questions," Maia said. 

"Yes but only for selected members. Gotta wait on that one, Maia. And we're only doing that to do our regular 3 hour check on the tree," Diana replied. "Speaking of which, I need to find Carl. He's the only one who understands how to check on them. Besides you now. It's almost time for the check."


"On a second though... to get to know this group better and especially as the two of you are the only ones who can actually check the trees, can you go get Carl? And if you don't mind, bring him coffee too please."

Maia smiled sweetly at Diana. "Of course! I'll tell him to meet you near the tree." 

Carl huh... Time for some little Senna and magic, she thought rather darkly.


"Hi! Are you Carl?" Maia asked a guy in his 20s with curly ginger hair. 

"Yes, I am. And you are?

"Maia," she said as she stretched her arm for a handshake. Carl shook it. 

"Is that coffee?" Carl pointed to the cup she's holding.

"Oh right! It's for you. Diana said your order is black coffee, no milk, no sugar. Right?" Maia asked with feigned nervousness. 

"Yep! Relax kid. No one bites here," Carl said as he took his coffee and quickly gulped a few down. "Thanks for the coffee too."

"No problem," she chirped. 

Just then his stomach began to gurgle. 

"Ouh... I don't feel so good.." Carl flat out ran to the restroom and began doing his business. 

Oops.. did I put too much Senna? 

She's not the best at measurements done in a rush. 

"Oh no," she said faking innocence. "Was it the coffee?"

"Guess so kiddo," he answered from inside the bathroom. 

"Oh no! I swear I saw the barista made the coffee. And Diana asked me to call you to check the tree," Maia said.

"Tell Diana I can't go," Carl said barely audible from the sound of his... business. 

"Okay! Guess I'll see you around," she replied before dashing out of there. The smell was becoming unbearable. Sorry Carl, nothing personal, she thought as she fled the place.

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