Chapter 9

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Morning came quick and Maia was quickly awoken by the sun filtering through her windows.

"Good morning, Zee," she said as she yawned and stretched on her bed. "Morning to you too Daisy," she continued when she saw the bunny already up on her bed.

She reluctantly rose from her comfy bed and trudged to the kitchen with Zee and Daisy in tow. The rest of the minutes pour like syrup until the first sip of her daily dose of caffeine. Ahh, coffee... how can I ever live without you.

No sound was made from inside the kitchen. Birds were out chirping in the new day. Zee and Daisy were eating and she was drinking coffee. A decent start for the day. It wasn't good, no. What she considered a good start to her day was as if piles of gold appeared in her bedroom. Or if one of her dreams come true, and dragged her off into a new adventure. Now that will be a great day, Maia imagined.

She walked around her kitchen. It was a habit of hers. A lifelong habit. She walked past her fridge before stopping. A note was attached to her fridge. It says, 10 AM, wand pick up for Archibald Dane.

She looked at a nearby clock and almost dropped her coffee at the time. It was 9:45 and she was not a bit ready. "Aw curses!" she suddenly cried out, "I need to get ready!"

Maia chugged the remaining of her coffee and started getting ready. Shower, clothes, prepare the wand, make her living room presentable, and finished with 3 minutes left before 10. Time once again went slow. She was nervous so she quickly ran into her kitchen and poured herself another mug filled to the brim.

Knock Knock

The sound elicited a snap of Maia's head away from the window she was busy looking through to avoid seeing the time. She jolted in shock and ran straight to her front door. She swung it open and found Archibald standing just right outside.

"Good morning," he greeted.

"Morning," Maia replied. "Come in, the wand is ready." She invited him in and just like in their first encounter, she lead him to her living room.

Once he was comfortably sitting down, she asked, "Coffee?"

He looked up to her and declined. "No thank you. I never liked coffee. It's very bitter. I do not know how people likes coffee."

Ever heard of sugar?, Maia said internally. Removing coffee from my diet would mean losing more than half of my will to live. Coffee is life.

"Uhh.. okay. Tea?" she asked again.

"That is not necessary," he answered. "I am in a bit of a rush so can I just get the wand?"

"Right," Maia replied. She took the box she put earlier on a nearby table and gave it to him. "Here you go."

He took the box and opened it. He lifted the wand and examined it before putting it back and sealing it. "Brilliant! You certainly have talent, young lady," he complimented her.

Red colored her cheeks at his word. "I -- yes -- thank you," she said.

"Yes, well, now I have to go." he stood up with the box and straightened his coat. "Thank you. I'll be sure to tell everyone I know about the marvelous, talented wandmaker you are."

The blushing red in Maia's cheek turned darker at his statement. "I can escort you out," Maia said trying to cool her blush.

"Oh no, it's alright. I can find my way out." And without long, he slipped out from the living room and soon the creaking of the door opening and closing reached her ears. She checked and see that he was gone.

A second of silence passed. Two seconds. Three.

"Holy macaroni!" Maia exclaimed. "I did it! First customer!" She jumped up and down in joy.

She was filled with joy and skipped her way to the kitchen to tell Zee and Daisy even if they may not understand her. After doing so, her eyes wandered and a fruit basket, a mysterious box, and a giant bouquet sat on the table.

"That... wasn't there before," Maia whispered.

There was a letter attached. Maia swooped the letter and read it.

Hey Maia!

As any letter go, how are you? How do you feel after your first sell? Just a quick heads up, I feel like you are going to get swamped pretty soon, little butterfly. With your skills, everyone would die for your creations. You might even outshine me. Oh how the little caterpillar turned into a butterfly and flied away. Of course, you did have an awesome teacher.

Anyways, this Saturday. You, me, and Evanora Smith. Meet us in the Market at noon. Blue tent straight dab in the middle of the Market. We'll have lunch while you fill us in. Eva told me she gave you a Gold's Child. She's curious about how you used it if you did used it. I have to admit, I too am curious. Don't be late, butterfly.

Your amazing teacher and friend,


P.S. Just a little gift brought together from my travels.

P.P.S. Eva was the one who gave you the potion book.

Maia immediately opened the box and gasped at the inside. A leather bound potion book from Evanora Smith was in it along with several sets of clothes, accessories and even a few pairs of shoes. A card in the box read, Here's to your nonexistent wardrobe. -Your stylish friend. P.S. Do NOT feel guilty or bad. I have money and what use is money if not for spending it on things? I know your habits, butterfly.

Maia grinned. He really does know her very well.


How was it? One more chapter before it's completed!

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