Chapter 6

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"Diana!" Maia called out to the woman facing her back on her.

"Hey, Maia!" Diana waved when she caught sight of Maia coming her way.

"Where's Carl?" she asked confused.

"Ah. Carl is busy with his... business," Maia trailed.

Diana furrowed her brows. "What business?"

"Something unpleasant," Maia answered. At Diana's still confused face, she elaborated. "He's busy doing number 2."

"Oh," Diana said when she got what Maia meant. "Well then, I suppose it's your lucky day! You get to check the tree!"

Diana led her closer to the tree and soon they were standing next to it.

From a look, she can tell a few signs of previous rot and lightning strikes. Rot comes and go but its mark is always there.

"Hey Diana," Maia started, "can we chop off a part of the tree?"

"What?! No!" Diana exclaimed.

"Even if we have to?" she asked.

"Depends on the situation," the woman answered. "If it's fatal to the tree, we chop it off."

Alright then, time for a little illusion spell.

Maia walked around the tree contemplating which part to use for the wand. The branches are good but they were too thick. She would need a thinner one or it'll be a waste. She circled the tree twice before founding just the right branch. Now was the time for the spell.

The Illusion spell was a basic spell every witch and wizard could perform. All it takes is a bit of magic and quite the concentration. She concentrated on the branch of her choice and thought of rot. She focused on making the rot appear on the perfectly healthy branch before crying out to Diana, "We might need to chop this one off!"

Diana quickly jogged over to her position and took a look at the branch. "It's got rot," she said in shock.

"Yup," Maia verified. "Chop it off?"

"Yes, I think we need to chop this one," Diana agreed. "Wait here, I'll get the pruning saw," she continued before racing off to a bright orange tent near the same bench she sat when filling in the questions.


Fifteen minutes and a saw later, the branch was finally chopped. By now the sky was turning darker.

"Hey Diana, I'm heading home," Maia informed.

"Oh yeah, sure," Diana said. "Will I see you here tomorrow?"

"I can't come here tomorrow," she answered truthfully.

"Oh, well then, I'll see you around kid," Diana said before Maia parted ways with her and headed for the exit with the branch in her hand. After they cut the branch, she offered to throw it out on the way out of the park. No one thought twice nor commented on it, so Diana happily gave her the 'rotten' branch.

Once she was out of the park, she dropped the illusion over the branch and recited the words of the florist from before. All around her, people were walking and talking and a night market was in process. Before she knew it, she arrived at the flower shop she stopped by earlier. The shop was closed, the lights dark inside, and the flowers all gone, except for a lone white Casablanca Lily. It was her mother's favourite flower. She picked it up and continued her way to the portal located near a bustling cafe.

She gave a last glance to the mortal world, making sure to drink in all the sights before disappearing into the portal leaving no signs for anyone of her standing there a minute ago.


She landed in a secluded part near a waterfall by the sound of water rushing. Deciding that she have time to spare, she went over to check it out. She trekked through the forest, ducking occasionally to avoid being hit by a branch. The sight was worth the trek she deemed after seeing the waterfall.

It was a high drop down and the waters were rushing in rapid motion. With the light hitting it just right, the waters would turn to shades of yellow and orange. After watching the waterfall, she wondered what it was like to simply fall. Would the thrill of it excite her or would it simply make her filled with panic? The thought seemed tempting. Just not of this waterfall. She was certain the sharp rocks below would rip her to shreds and made her into fish food.

Shaking the thoughts away from her head, she walked back to her cottage.

"Hey Zee," she greeted the owl. Zee was perched on a bench right outside her house. At the sound of Maia's voice, Zee gave a hoot in her direction before landing on her right shoulder. The owl did not normally show affection so Maia felt touched and a big smile plastered over her face as the owl brushed its head to her cheek. "Let's find Daisy, yeah?"

Daisy was a bit difficult to find. She called out her name several times and nothing came running so in a panic, she turned her house around. She flipped pillows, checked under her bed, covers, couches, tables, and all the spots she could think of. Stressing from Daisy's disappearance, she visited her kitchen for some food.

She blended berries and made pancakes from the leftover batter. She devoured them quick and paced around the kitchen.


Maia's head jerked in the direction of the sound.


By the sounds of it, it came from one of her cabinets. She grabbed the nearest thing her arm could find which happened to be the pan she used for pancakes earlier. Raising it high, she inched closer and took a step back when another sound rang out. She steeled herself before flipping the cabinet wide open, pan raised ready to attack anything she didn't like.

"Daisy! Oh, there you are!" Maia exclaimed looking at the rabbit in one of her metal pots. She scooped Daisy out and placed her on the pristine white kitchen counter next to a bowl of mixed vegetables. Daisy hopped off to the bowl and munched on celeries. Sometime along their bonding moments, she figured that the rabbit preferred celeries to other vegetables. Works for her as she hates celeries with a passion. If the rabbit wanted them, she can have them all.


What are your thoughts on celeries? 

Personally, I don't like them.

Hope you enjoyed :)

- mushroomfairies

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