Chapter 4

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Light filtered through past her sloppily-covered windows and lightened her room. Then comes the hoot from Zee.

"Ugh," Maia groaned. If you can't tell, she's not a morning person.

Another hoot from Zee made Maia's head turn to her window sill. Her windows have a latch outside that can be used to open them. Specifically made for Zee. She can go sleep outside if she feels like it, and can still come in without waiting for Maia to open one of her windows or the front or back door.

"Morning Zee," she said. "How are you?" was what she wanted to say after but all that came out was "Ahh!" A furry thing was nestled on her legs under her blanket and she is afraid of opening it up.

"Brave Maia. Come on. One, two, three!" she exclaimed as she threw open her blanket.

"Daisy?!" Maia screeched. "What are you doing here? How are you even here?"

The last thing she remembered before going to bed was putting Daisy in her living room. Zee was already out by then and Daisy was sleeping in her gray ottoman.

"Come on Daisy," she started, "it's time for breakfast." Scooping Daisy up and with Zee perched on her shoulder, she went to her kitchen passing the living room in the process.

First thing she did was filling out two bowls of water, one for Daisy and one for Zee. Then she foraged around her kitchen to look for radishes, carrots, maybe a celery or two for Daisy. Zee's probably eaten already so she got some berries for her snack.

"Here you go," she said as she laid both bowl on her kitchen island.

Now, she can start on her breakfast.

She placed one of her pans on her stove with low heat and added a little oil in it. While waiting for the oil to heat, she mixed in flour, eggs, milk, baking powder, sugar, a pinch of salt, and a little bit of vanilla in a bowl with a wooden spoon. Once her pan heat up, she poured the batter on and wait for it to cook perfectly. Once the bottom side is golden brown, she flipped it and waited until the side being cooked now is also the same color. After both sides are cooked, she placed it in a plate. After cooking another two, she kept the leftover batter in her refrigerator for later on. Her current stack was then dusted with sugar powder and washed berries finished the look. With a side of berry smoothies, she was set for a fulfilling breakfast.


"Where do I find the tree?" she muttered to herself while pacing back and forth. A small thing slipped her mind when she agreed to take up the job. The land she is in is very fertile and it will be very hard to find one that have suffered from rot or the likes. Have she mentioned that this land is magicked to?

"Zee!" Maia called out to her trusty owl. "Have you seen any trees that have evidence that they've rotted once? No? Okay."

"Where in hemlock am I going to get the wood?"

Just then a letter poofed into existence. She quickly reached over and observed the letter. Breaking the seal that holds the letter shut, she began unfolding it.

Good afternoon, I hope this finds you well. About the wand I ordered, use wood from the Angel Oak tree. Thank you.

- Archibald Duke

"Ah.. that little shit head."


Now, Maia is busy trekking all over Charleston looking for the Angel Oak tree. This should help fill any gaps...


Of all the things and he picked that! Argh! The only thing she hated from it was its location and scarcity. It is not the easiest tree to find and it's located no where near her place. She opened her a leather bound book and flipped through the browning pages from age. Her mother gave it to her for her 8th birthday. She made sure they're all spells that Maia can do given having little magic. She skimmed through pages after pages stopping halfway through. The Searching Spell was the exact one she needed.

She read through the passage of instructions and copied them step by step. Imagine the object you're looking for. Done. Focus on that object. Done. Call the magic deep inside. Done. She closed her eyes and concentrated before she saw the tree and the tree's surrounding.

She opened her eyes again and she's back in her living room. "Time for some adventure," she said. "Wanna come?" she asked Zee and Daisy. "No? Alright. Back before sundown," she muttered before going out and strolling the forest searching for a portal.

There are many portals located in their realm for witches, wizards, and creatures come to the mortal realm. Lucky for her, one portals straight to Charleston, South Carolina. It took her a while and a lot of turn backs before she finds the portal. "Charleston, here I come."


And that's how she was spitted from the forest to the hard floor of the sidewalk. "Ouch," she said, taking account of the forming bruises on her arms. Why do I bruise easily? she thought.

Shaking her head twice to get her bearings, she wandered around looking for the park that have the tree in it.

"Excuse me," she calls out to a florist. "Do you know where the park that has the Angel Oak tree is?"

"Oh hi! You must be new in town!" the lady exclaimed.

"Yes, I am. Do you know where I can find the tree?" Maia asked again.

"Of course! You're three blocks away. Straight for a block then turn right. Stay in that direction and you'll see the park," the florist answered.

"Thank you," she thanked the florist, ready to find it and go home.

"Your welcome. Wait! Take this." The florist handed her a bouquet of roses and tulips. "A little something to welcome you to Charleston," the lady said when she saw Maia's confused face.

"Thank you." Maia said before taking the flowers and make her way to the park.

True to the lady's word, she was soon in front of the park she saw in the spell. "Here I go."

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