Fall of the fire

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Threw my fire at Lich over and over trying to hit her but each time she blocked it. "Hit me!" I yelled clawing the  air getting annoyed. She punched me again before jabbing her fingers into my right eye not saying anything. She jumped back cutting my bangs that covered my eye. She extended her arm out revealing that she had my eye. I grabbed my eye socket that was now bleeding. "I am not in the mood you god damn psycho!" I yelled running at her. She tripped me because pulling off my jacket and covering my head with it. I got up and threw my jacket off annoyed before Lich stabbed my shoulder. "What you have one eye so you took mine" I said before punching her. She pulled her sword out before stabbing my arm. "If you want my arm then take it!" I yelled grabbing her head and slamming her into the ground. I kept punching her letting my mind go blank.  I thought about how all my friends hate me and how Gala went missing. "I will pull you apart" I said before starting to hit her with fire. litch kicked me off of her before getting up. "Give up now" I said getting up. Lich didn't react but instead got into a stance with her sword. "You are pathetic" I said running at her. My mind went blank as I started clawing the air trying to kill her. She swung her sword at me missing a few times before stabbing my arm again. I clawed at her chest unable to hurt her or even damage her tuxedo. She drove her sword deeper into my arm near my shoulder. I stayed quiet as the pain pulsed throughout my body. Lich giggled at me while pulling the blade out. "What are you laughing?" I asked while watching blood run down my arm. I grabbed my arm while moving it around to see if I would still use it. "Failed to stun me little flea" I said pointing at her with my wounded hand. She dashed behind me as a blue light followed her. "You missed" I said laughing. My arm started to sting in pain before exploding into little slices. I grabbed my shoulder and screamed as I looked at Lich. I opened a portal and looked at Lich mad. "You win this time but I'll be back" I said walking into the portal.

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