Metal pain

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I felt at peace as the void held me. I no longer heard the two friends screaming from bringing fused together. I was finally at peace. I closed my eyes in the void ready to sleep for the final time before I heard both the souls scream. I jumped up and fell off a table. I was in a dark room with a bunch of shelves everywhere. They had weapons and metal limbs all over it. "You were asleep for months" A voice said behind me. I turned around to see a man standing behind me. He was young man with clouded eyes. He was wearing a black tuxedo. "I'm Smith or at least demons call me that" he said. "What is this place?" I asked. "This is my room of horrors where I construct demonic ruins for hell or I use to" He said. "I'm the prince of death and I've never heard of you" I said. "Well Annie made me a deal, Build ruins and live in isolation forever immoral or live a normal boring life" He said. He picked up a metal eye and arm. "Please lay down I'm not done with you" He said. I did want he asked as I noticed my shoulder had metal all over it. He attached the arm the metal part of my shoulder. "It's a complete replica of your left arm only flipped since I've never seen your arm" he said. He opened my eye lid and placed the eye inside. "There that should do" He said. I got up and moved my arm around. "They work just like I never lose them" I said smiling. "Hey Prince you might like this" He said throwing me a double barrel shotgun. When I caught it the shotgun turned into a double headed axe. "Point it" Smith said smiling. I pointed the axe at him to see it turn back into the silver shotgun. "You can never run out of amo with it just make sure to get rid of the empty shells so new ones can be created" He said throwing me a small purple ball. "How can I repay you?" I asked. "My creations were made to kill not collect dust so you can repay me by covering that arm and axe in blood" He said before walking away. I made my way out of the house happy that I have something to kill Lich with.

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