Chapter 5: Growing Distance

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Back to Normal Time.

Sage walked around, looking for the wind runner. It has been a while since they last spoke to each other one on one, but Sage knew their friendship wouldn't mind a little distance. She missed those days where they would meet up in her room and just talk for hours... That hasn't happened for a long time, and the healer believed that it was because she just been 'busy' with Reyna in her room instead.

She arrived at Jett's room, knocking on the door slightly. There was no response. "Jett?" The healer opened the door to see a sleeping duelist.

The bedroom was a lot cleaner than Sage expected it to be, but there was still piles of clothes scattered across. She decided to help by cleaning up a bit before sitting on the edge of Jett's bed. The wind girl did not look too good.

'She must be having a nightmare.' Sage caressed the younger's face and wondered what the other was dreaming about.

Jett woke up, shooting her eyes open to see Sage. She was a bit startled, but calmed down a bit. "Sage? What are you doing here?"

"I wanted to talk to you. Are you okay?"

"Yeah, just a weird dream... That's all." Jett sat up and sighed. She did not want to remember any of that, yet she did and now Sage was right in front of her. "Do you need something?"

"No, I just miss talking to you. We haven't spoke to one another for quite some time..." Sage looked away, feeling a bit guilty. She rubbed the tip of her fingers against her thumbs.

Looking down at Sage's hands, Sunwoo smiled, feeling happier that her friend wanted to casually speak. "Haha, I miss you too... Is there something on your mind?"

The healer looked at the wind girl in surprise. It warmed her heart to see Jett still knew her so well, despite her cool composure. "Yes... I am worried about you. About our friendship."

'Fuck,' Jett thought to herself.

"I wanted to say I am sorry. We have not talked nor hung out for so long due to work and Reyna... I just miss having you as a friend. A friend that I truly care for and appreciate." Sage held onto Jett's hand, "I am sorry for not appreciating you enough."

Despite the sweet sentiment in Sage's message, Jett's heart throbbed knowing she was only seen as a 'friend'. Jett nodded as an answer.

"No need to be sorry, I am sorry for not coming to talk to ya." That was a lie. Jett has tried many times, but Reyna always had to interfere to the point Jett gave up. "I am glad you still think of me." Knowing her relationship with Reyna, Jett took her hands away from Sage and scooted away. "But you don't have to worry too much about us. I am still your best friend... whether you like it or not." Jett playfully pushed Sage followed along with both of their laughters.

Jett missed this so much, but it wasn't right for her to cling onto Sage. She doesn't deserve to feel this way towards the healer.

It's her fault for being a coward.

"I remember when you were 19. Full of anger, yet so youthful." Sage laughed, "You and Phoenix would always get into fights, yet do the stupidest things together."

"Ha, yeah. I always guilt-tripped him about the whole first meeting thing. Him and Yoru are the duo now. I bet they fuck."

Sage hits Jett's arm, feeling embarrassed to hear such things about her teammates. Jett found it hilarious. "What? Don't tell me I'm wrong!"

The healer laughed, covering her face, "I did not want to be reminded!"

Their laughs died out and Jett reached over to grab Sage's wrist. She pulled it a little to see the bright smile on the healer's face, with pink tinted cheeks from embarrassment. "Jett?"

"Mhm?..." Jett felt her heart-beat getting faster. She wanted to kiss her. The windrunner looked at the healer's lips, seeing how soft and plumped they were... she wanted a feel.


She snapped back into reality. Jett lets go of Sage's wrist to see Reyna standing in her doorway.

'I messed up.'

Sage was confused to what Jett wanted to say... or do, but she turned away to see Reyna. "Hey Reyna, what brings you here?"

"I was going to take you out to dinner... What's going on here?"

Jett looked away, feeling stupid. "Just talking."

Reyna walked in and grabbed Sage's hand. "Let's go, we don't want to get home too late now," She said in a seductive voice. Sage blushed, feeling flustered since Jett was right behind them. "Right... I will talk to you later Jett."

She nodded and watched the two walk out. Before the door closed, Jett could see Reyna glaring at her... Scary.

- - - - - - - - - - - -

Sage got into the car, waiting for Reyna to drive. She was having so much fun with Jett, she lost track of time.

Reyna buckled her seat belt and got herself situated before starting the engine. She was not happy. Jett was getting too close for comfort and Reyna hated it.

"Sage, what did you and Jett talk about?"

"I said my apologies for not being a good friend towards her, but she understood. The she told me about Phoenix and Yoru."

"How they fuck really loud like everyone else doesn't live in protocol?"

"Am I the only one not aware of this?!" Sage laughed seeing how Reyna smiled softly. "Why do you ask?"

Reyna stopped at the red light, looking back at Sage. "I don't like how close Jett was with you earlier. She was too close."

Sage went into deep thought. Her and Jett have always been close and touchy as friends, but she was now in a relationship. "I see... If it bothers you, I shall keep a good distance." To be honest, Sage felt bad. She finally had a one on one with her best friend after a long while, but she failed to consider her own girlfriend's feelings. Sage felt... like she has only talked to Reyna and Brimstone every since they have started dating.

She felt wrong, yet isolated.

"Thank you Señorita." Reyna didn't like Sage speaking with anyone else too close. She felt that if she could be the best girlfriend she could be, then Sage could always depend on her. Her only.

And Jett had to get out of the frame.

(A/N: warning, a bit spicy..)

Reyna parked the car in an almost empty parking lot and unbuckled her seatbelt.

"This isn't the restaurant-"

Sage was cut off by Reyna's kiss. She gave in and smiled into it. Sage broke it off and looked at Reyna. "Needy now, aren't we Zyanya?" Reyna looked away, a bit shy, but she felt Sage's lips against her neck. Reyna let out a gentle sigh, "Reservation is in two hours."

"Then we have time."

Reyna moved her seat back, giving herself more room. The healer climbed over to straddle on top, letting her hands hold onto the seat's shoulders. She decided to tease her partner by grinding her hips, earning herself a soft moan from Reyna. "Teasing me now?"

"You know you like it.".

Let's just say... dinner wasn't the only thing they were eating.

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A/N: I feel kinda embarrassed...
(1236 words)

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