Chapter 11: Synthetic

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Chaos abruptted as the plane lands onto the ground near protocol. Brimstone was the first to get onto the scene, escorting the group of injured people off the aircraft.

Including the dead one.

"Jett..." Brim sighed out as he placed his hand onto his face in disbelief. There were no words spoken as everyone went to the medical center, Sage with puffy, red eyes and tear stains clearing a path through the dirt and blood on her skin.

As everyone from the mission was getting treated, everyone in Valorant protocol was causing quite the ruckus at the news of their friend's death. Valorant has never lost a life after they have won. Usually they minimize the damage so that they would have Sage only resurrect one person, but that wasn't the case this time.

"I can't believe she's gone..." Neon said through her passive aggressiveness, despite the tears formulating in her eyes.

Yoru patted Neon's head for reassurance, but he himself wasn't holding it together all that well.

"Everyone, we have to let the other members rest. We can talk about this later." Brimstone motioned his hands for everyone surrounding the body on the table to leave. It was a bitter feeling to see someone you've spent years with be taken away so soon.

Especially when they all new the risks of signing up for this.

Phoenix stopped in his tracks and went towards Sage who was staring off into nothingness. "Sage... is there anyway to-"

"Leave her alone Phoenix."

"Reyna, she's the only one capable of bringing Jett back. Why can I not ask?"

"Cause she's going through a lot right now.

He clicked his tongue and took his leave.

Sage's eyes followed Phoenix as more tears started to form. She wiped them away and let her eyes pan over to Jett. "It's my fault. My fault that she's gone."

Reyna soften her eyes and placed her hand onto Sage's cheek, "No, it isn't. It's mine for rushing in. Thank you for helping me."

The healer sniffles, moving her face away from her lover's hand. "I shouldn't have resurrected you that soon..."

"What do you mean?" Reyna takes her hand back, hurt by the statement she had said. "We won."

"No. If I had just pushed in with Jett as a team, we could've won. I could've saved you afterwards."

"You think Jett is better than me? You didn't think we would've won without her?"

"That's not-"

"Why is she more important to you than me? She is just a child who is hopelessly doing whatever to get YOUR attention."

"My attention?" Sage sat up with a confused expression on her face.

"You knew she liked me? Is that why you've been keeping her away from me?"

Reyna scoffed. She was getting worked up, "That doesn't matter. She's gone Sage. I'm sorry that she is, but I am the only one here for you. It's always been like that."

Sage felt like she was a deer in the headlights. How long has she been blind to Reyna's actions? Why has she never doubted her before? She felt betrayed that her own partner doubted her to the point of isolation almost.

"Get out Reyna."


"I need alone ti-"

"I don't understand why you're upset over something so small. Jett has done her part for the team and that is what we should be grateful for."

"Shut up!"

The room went silent.

"Jett has done so much for me. She's my first real friend here in protocol that allowed me to be myself, where I didn't have to walk around eggshells if I talk to other people, she loved me for me." Sage rambled with her words through the sobbing. How much pain she felt could never amount to the bullets that have pierced her skin.

"She was always there for me, even before I met you. You joined protocol for your sister and I am sorry that you're doing your best to save her, but you should know how I feel better than anyone right now and you're scolding me?! Get out Reyna."

"Sage, listen I-"

"We're done Reyna. Your obsession over me needs to stop. You're hurting the both of us."

Reyna was shocked by the rage Sage had unleashed. That was it? Just like that.


"Don't say my name."
She shoves Reyna out of the medic room and allowed the automatic door to close shut, locking it after. LingYing slides against the door and cried.

It's been so long since she had cried her whole heart out. All of her pent up emotions were escaping through her whimpering and occasional muffled screams. What was worst was that no one could comfort her.

No one like Jett.

She sat up from the floor and went over towards the corpse. LingYing pulled the white sheet enough to see her friend's face. There were a lot of emotions running laps in her heart, but it was the determination of getting Sunwoo back.

"I promise Sunwoo, I will bring you back." The healer leaned down to plant her lips onto the other's forehead. "No matter what it takes."

- - - - - - -

Reyna was furious with the situation at hand. It wasn't just how her relationship had ended with Sage, nor the grief she felt from her friend dying, but the fact she knew she was in the wrong.

She went back to go see her little sister, looking through the glass. Reyna placed her hand on the cold surface, seeing the heat from her hand make a fog imprint. "Lucia... Si tan solo estuvieras aquí para regañarme..." The vampire wasn't known to shed tears, but it was too difficult to hold back anything. A warm stream ran down her cheeks, following the outline of her cheek towards her chin.

"Am I ruining a moment?"

The vampire quickly wiped her tears and looked back to see that fucking snake. Sabine was the last person she wanted to see right now.

"What do you need?"

"Nothing. I'm just enjoying this sight of you being so broken."

"Nothing is broken except you."

"Not yet, unless you want to break me," Sabine smirked, making her way towards the vampire.

"Sage is a colleague of mine that I have known for a long time, same with Jett. One is dead and the other is broken because of you."

"How so?"

"You projected your issues onto Sage."

Reyna couldn't say anything. She knew the doctor was right, and it wasn't her place to retort or be vulnerable. This was her karma catching up to her.

"Your obsession with protecting your precious little healer was because you failed to protect your little sister. In result, you isolated her from her friends she already had here before you. You're scared to be lonely, you're scared to lose your control over people."

The reality was too much to handle right now. It has been a while since she has heard someone call her out for her wrongdoings... Ever since her kind sister has been gone, Reyna's moral sense was a bit clouded.

"I'm sorry."

"Don't apologize to me. We are only coworkers, it's my job to help. I'm still in debt to you."

Sabine made her way towards the exit, adjusting her coat. "Goodluck, Zyanya."

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A/N: lmao, loser, bozo, imagineee??? jkjk, but I am enjoying the story LOL

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