Chapter 7: The Investigation

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Something wasn't right.

And Sage was aware of that.

Ever since they've been training in groups, there has been a weird tension between Jett and Reyna. At first, it seemed like friendly competition.

Now it seems to have rotten to something far worst.

Reyna always helped Sage clear her mind when she asked. Whether it be a long talk or... something else, it always made her feel better.

Except this time, she couldn't ask for Reyna's comfort. There was an underlying issue Sage has been thinking on her own terms, and it was time for her to investigate before it was already too late.

Down the halls of the tech room, many loud drilling noises and laughter was heard. Right before Sage was about to open the door, it slid open itself with one of KJ's turret running out.


The German ran out and chased after her own creation as Raze came out to follow, but Sage held her back.

"I need to speak with you."

- - - - - -

Raze sat on the couch centered in the middle of the tech area. She rapidly moved her leg up and down, afraid of what Sage had to talk to her about. Hopefully it wasn't about the garage door she exploded the other day.

"How have you been?"

"Ohhhh I've been alright. You know... just keeping it lively n' all"

"I can see that."

Some sort of gas must've been leaked, cause Raze felt like the air was getting heavier... but maybe it was just the guilt of not telling Brimstone or Sage about the door. "What was it you wanted to talk about?"

Sage looked away a bit embarrassed, "I was hoping to speak to you and KJ about this matter, but she seems to be busy."

"Has Jett talked to you two at all lately?"

Hearing that question, Raze felt relief, but now her ears are perking at the sound of her best friend's crush speaking about her. "Not really, but why do you ask?"

"Sun has been distancing herself away from me, and I think it has to do something about me and/or Reyna... I just don't wanna lose Jett."

Raze laughed at the healer, "That's what you wanted to talk to me about?" Raze sat more comfortably and puts her hand on Sage's shoulder. "You should just talk to her. She's probably waiting for you."

LingYing nodded her head with a smile, "Thank you. I appreciate the time you've spared." Sage got up and made her way towards the exit. "I will talk to Brimstone about that garage door later."  She smirked before leaving.

- - - - - -

Sage walked back to the medical room to see that Jett was not there. This caused a sense of urgency in the healer. She started to look around the protocol, asked others about Sunwoo's whereabouts, and even called her phone... but she was no where to be found.

Sitting in the lounge area near the kitchen, Sage was feeling despair. Before making her next trip around the city, she felt a tap on her shoulder.

The healer turned to see Amir holding a phone with Jett on it. "It's hard to hide from my cameras." He handed the phone to Sage and bid his goodbyes befote the other could even thank him.

Ling followed to where Jett was and saw her sitting in the corner area of the outside area. Her white hair flowed with the light breeze as well as the leaves that covered her apperance. The sun was setting and the aches from today's training was cathcing up to Sage... but she wanted to talk to Jett.


The white hair girl turned her attention to Sage in surprise. She hopped down from the tree and used her wind abilities to glide herself down onto the grass. "Hey Ling. Do you need something?"

"I just wanted to talk to you."

Jett pursed her lips together and lets out a sigh. "I have stuff to do so I can talk to you la-"

Sage grabbed onto Jett's hand, "Sunwoo... please."

It wasn't that Jett wanted to leave Sage, she was happy she came to her. It was the fact Reyna was involved in the picture and Jett didn't want to ruin that for them.

Even if it meant she can't be involved with them either.

Sunwoo sat down with LingYing on the grass area as they looked at the sunset. "Why have you been avoiding me? Are you okay? is something wrong?"

All these hard hitting questions made Sunwoo feel guilty for how she has been treating LingYing, but it wasn't like the other did it to her first. "I just... don't wanna bother you, that's all."

"Bother me? You've never bothered me! You always made my day better but you've been acting so weird, it's making me concern. You haven't been sleeping, you train all day, you're burning yourself out... I'm your friend too, why are you hurting yourself?"

There was silence.

Jett didnt know whether to be honest or not. She knew why, but could her truth end everyrhing between her and Reyna? She was in love with LingYing, but seeing her happy was all she wanted for her. If Reyna made her happy, who was she to interfere? That's what love is: sacrifice.

"I'm just stressed out about our battle with the Omegas. Vincent (Chamber) told us what he could, but they could really hurt us." Sunwoo placed her hand onto Ling's, "I want to be able to protect you all."

She didn't realize it, but Sage blushed a bit. It was heartwarming to know that she is cared for by her teammates and that they are doing their best to save their world.

"That's sweet of you Sun... but you don't have to avoid your friends and I to achieve that. We are a team."

There was a slight pause and Sunwoo was about to reply, but LingYing interrupted,

"What's going on between you and Reyna?"

Sunwoo didn't want to talk about this. She didn't know if she could keep her emotions in check. "I just wanted to beat her and we had to see who was better, that's all"

"No it isn't."

"Look Ling, I don't want to-"

"Is she the reason why you're avoiding me?

"No Ling, I-"

"Is there something you're not telling me?"

"I can't say-"

"Sunwoo, please-"


Sunwoo realized her words and looked away from LingYing. She took her hand away from Sage and stood up, "I'm sorry... just leave me alone," Jett whimpered with a smile.

Sage looked at Jett with concern. She saw Jett's smile, yet the sadness that filled her eyes broke her heart. She watched Jett run away with the wind, back to the facility, and suddenly there was something warm running down her cheeks.

'Why am I crying?'

The tears streamed down her face as she quietly wiped them away. Nothing made sense anymore. Why couldn't Jett stand her and Reyna's relationship? It has been a year already and why was it suddenly an issue now?

Sage didnt look at Jett in a romantic way, but it wasn't impossible for her to... she was scared that their sacred friendship would shatter if they were anything more.

and now it may turn into nothing because of that fear.

- - - - - -

A/N: oof, that sucks.
poor jett..
(1234 words)

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