Chapter 2

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Time passed, the students nervously submitted their exams to the proctor by tapping the send button in the computer, Leyo felt neutral about it but the two were like the escaped a war "that went well," he said, Perfida and March slowly turned their heads at him and glared at him like an owl.

"Wish I could say the same thing for myself," March said.

"I think I did well, but that was challenging," Perfida admitted.

"Good thing it's over. For now."

A guy walked to them "Perfida, March, be at the Belladona Hotel at three, we still have to set the tables, fix the photobooth and sound test the stereos."

"Okay, got it, Oliver," Perfida nodded and so did March.

"Great, see you guys there," Oliver said and walked away, the three friends walked the other way, Perfida and March doing a celebration dance behind Leyo.

"Let's go get lunch first," Perfida suggested.

"Yeah," March said. 


The cafeteria was like a food court, the food choices were nothing fancy but it was edible and affordable of course, there were food for the cosmic citizens and for humans yet the aliens also eat food for humans and vice versa but not the food that could walk away from the plate not a lot of humans doesn't think it was edible and it has its do-it-yourself cleaning station for students and faculty to clean their own plates and utensils to teach them responsibilty instead of paying people to do it for them.

Perfida and March found a place to sit down so they placed their trays on the table, Leyo already sat down and he was eating some outer space meat in a cone "now, I can eat with peace of mind," Perfida sighed.

"I know what you mean, I don't want to see our school tablet for a while, the only ebook I want to read are magazines in my own tablet," March expressed.

"I can throw my reviewers away and just chill."

"So Leyo, what are you gonna do this summer?"

"I will be with my brother to planet Lewo, a three day trip from Livo, it is where we Livo go to for retreat."

"So what do you guys do when you're there?" Perfida asked.

"We just play games of catch mookies, dance the golo and grow some hoonpie tree," he explained, Perfida and March looked at each other in confusion, even though humans are getting used to cosmic citizens living among them yet at times it was hard understanding what they are and what they do.

"Sounds.... fun," Perfida replied then cleared her throat.

"It is, especially the golo dancing," Leyo said sounding so excited.

"So how do you do the golo dancing?" March quipped.

"Like this", Leyo put his arms up and started jiggling it like jelly, it kind of resembled the poppi'n locki'n, Perfida and March were speechless because they found it so funny, they started snickering. March was trying to contain his laughter since he was drinking to avoid spit taking all over the table and Perfida was coughing because food was still in her mouth so she won't choke. 

"Oh! my God," March wheezed.

"Wow! not sure if I could do that," Perfida scoffed, Leyo stopped and got back to his seat then continued eating.

"Me and my brother could do our golos in perfect sync together", Leyo said, Perfida and March were imagining it and just find it so funny.

Holden and his best friend since they were in diapers, Jake Orlanse, were carrying a tray of their food and walked to them "hey, guys," he greeted then he sat next to Perfida and Jake sat next to the other side of him.

Stellar Spectrum Book One: The Faceless Ghost Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon