Hello Louise.

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My friend asked me to dedicate a chapter to her so... 


this is for you. hope you are happy. 



hehe this is me later. louise told me i was so cool. 💪🕶💪 

jk if i was actually cool i wouldn't be writing this. 

idk why but i never realised there is not a flipped version or the arm emoji. ik it looks weird, like i could have sworn there was a flipped version but oh well. 

i got a nEw line for before the authors note cuz im so cReAtIvE and qUiRkY

anyways, i dearly hope this brought a smile to thou beautiful faces and that thou is now the happy.

this was very fun to write. thankfully i do not sound this utterly stupid in real life..... well at least not all the time.

also sorry for not updating ive been caught up in school and kinda forgot sooooo....... yeah.

uNtIlL wE mEeT aGaIn

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