Chapter 7

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Marinette and her brothers excitedly stepped out of the car. After thanking Bernard and waving him goodbye, they looked over to the bus that was parked by the school. Miss Bustier was yelling angrily at the bus driver, demanding that he drive to the airport immediately.

"Ma'am, we are missing three students and the plane is taking off in over 3 hours - " "I don't care! Lila said the plane is early, so we must leave now! It's those silly students' fault that they are not here early, so hurry up and go!" Miss Bustier screeched hysterically.

Upon hearing this, Marinette, Luka, and Adrien quickly unloaded their suitcases from the boot and rushed over to the bus.

(Most people in Australia call the back of the car the boot. Idk what other ppl call it; I've heard some call it a trunk? Anyways I just thought that I would clarify that for the non-Australian readers. Btw If you find my little author's notes annoying and unnecessary just tell me, and I'll cut them back. But now you are cultured on car part names in Australia I guess. Anyways...)

"Wait! We're here!" they exclaimed. They handed their suitcases to the bus driver, who promptly placed them beneath the bus with the others. They knew that no matter what they said, Miss Bustier would side by Lila, so they simply ignored her scolding and climbed aboard.

Inside, everyone was seated in rows of two, the only empty seats were next to Lila, Chloe, and Kagami. Marinette went and sat with Chloe, Luka with Kagami and Adrien regrettably sat with Lila, who clung to his arm and began to blabber about her interview earlier that morning. Discreetly pulling out his phone, which he always did when forced to sit with Liela, (haha get it? LIEla? Lol I'm so funny. Jk I copied it off another fic, idk which fic tho, cuz like ten million do the exact same thing) he pressed the recording button so he could save all of her tales as evidence for later.

After everyone was seated and quiet, Lila dramatically wailed, "Oh no! Now we are all going to be so late, Dami-boo will be so upset!". Alya and the others comforted her from their seats and shot Marinette and Luka furious glares. These were simply ignored. However, Marinette couldn't help but feel thankful for Lila's outburst, as it had diverted most of the attention away from her and her siblings.

Soon, the bus took off towards the airport, and nobody could contain their excitement. Everyone was chatting excitedly with the people around them. However, the same could not be said for poor Adrien, who was stuck with Lila, listening to her fictional tales of wonder. Thankfully, Lila was too engrossed in her make-believe tales to bother MG during the bus ride, but they doubted this peace would remain once they arrived at the airport.

After a surprisingly fun 45-minute bus trip, the class arrived at the airport. As they headed out the door, Lila, who was in front of Marinette, purposely threw herself off the stair and onto the cement floor. "OW, omg Marinette why would you do that?" she wailed, clutching her wrist in fake pain.

Marinette simply rolled her eyes and exited the bus. She strolled past Lila, who was still bawling on the ground, and replied "I don't have time for your cr@p Lila, so shut up and get over yourself". Alya and the others rushed out of the bus to comfort Lila, and Sabrina handed Lila what she had retrieved from somewhere within her suitcase of 'just in cases' (if you've watched the episode Star Train you'll get it).

MG grabbed their suitcases from under the bus, and headed into the airport, ignoring the angry shouting of the rest of their class.

Once MG arrived at the reception, they walked up to a free receptionist. "Hi, my name's Marinette Stone. Could we please get the tickets for Gotham? There should be 18 tickets, thanks." Marinette asked politely.

The woman smiled at her kindness and happily printed out the classes' tickets. As they were being printed, the rest of the class arrived chattering loudly, Marinette politely asked the receptionist for their tickets, which quickly she printed out, and began to read aloud.

Marinette's Fateful Trip To Gotham (~Damienette~)Where stories live. Discover now