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I run through they wall and stare at the large train in front on me. My entire life I've been surrounded by the hope that I'd end up here one day, but the unreal feeling of actually being here is exotic.

Every gust of wind takes me by storm. "You're new?" A tall boy with red hair asks me.

"Yeah," I say, nervously tucking a piece of my long brown hair behind my ear.

"I'm Fred," the boy says. A replicate of him appears, stuck to his side.

"And I'm George," the other boy says.

"I'm Taylor Jordan," I smile, shaking both of their hands.

"What year are you going into, 'Taylor Jordan'?" George asks.

"4th," I answer. They both smile.

"You can sit with us," Fred says, grabbing some of my stuff.

Cedric runs up and hugs me from behind. "Ced!" I yell, swinging around and hugging him back.

Cedric has been my boyfriend for 6 months, now. We see each other any time we can. I'm so madly in love with him it isn't even funny.

"Can he sit with us?" I ask the twins.

"Yep," George smiles. He gets a gentle nudge from his brother and they both smile.

I touch the necklace hanging loosely around my neck and follow the twins onto the train.

When we enter I reach for my necklace, it's gone. Dang it.

"Hey, I'll be right back," I say to the boys. Cedric gives me a small glance before nodding me away.

I stressfully run my hands through my hair, searching for the necklace. I spot the shiny silver in the light and snatch it, I'm glad no one found it first.

"Is that yours?" A voice asks.

"Yes, actually." I say.

"Pretty." He says, I wonder if he's talking about me or the necklace.

"Yeah, I'm aware." I scoff, connecting it behind my neck.

"Cocky, are we?" He smirks.

"Annoying, are we?" I mock.

"Do you know who I am?" He asks rudely.

"I don't care who you are, you and your ego could be Merlin for all I care." I smile.

"You'd better-" He threatens.

Cedric appears by my side. "Do we have a problem, Riddle?" He asks the boy.

"I don't know, Diggory, do we?" Riddle snaps back, "pretty toy," Riddle looks me up and down, smirks, and leaves. Disgusting.

"He just called me a toy." I say unfairly.

"Don't mess with Mattheo Riddle, he's not one for happy endings." Cedric warns.

"Who even is he?" I ask.

"The dark lords son."

Story Idea from: Tabbykat_kitkat

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