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I haven't seen Theo since that night I had a nightmare. It's been a month. He won't answer calls, texts, nothing. Everyone seems to be annoyed of me and it's honestly butchered my mental health. Stiles tries to talk to me sometimes, but he's a year above me, so he can't be around me all the time.

"Hey, Theodore, can we talk?" I ask the boy, hoping he can so I can confide in someone.

"Not right now, me and Pansy are going out." He smiles.

"Oh ok," I smile back. I trail around the castle until I find my second, and last, friend.

"Hey, Dray," I smile.

"Hey, could I tell you something?" He asks.

My smile fades, "sure,"

"I like this girl," He starts before his phone begins to buzz, "oh shit, that's her, I gotta go. Talk to you later?"

"Yeah," I sigh.

I go to the astronomy tower, thinking of the night me and Mattheo had what feels like so long ago.

I text him.


How are you?
Read 2:15 pm
Mattheo Riddle.

Looking at my old, ignored messages to him makes me quite sad, but I text him anyways.


T-I need you, I need you right now. Don't let me down. I think I'm loosing my mind.
Read 11:32 pm

T- I can't talk, Tay. Be quick.

I'm really sad Theo. Wherever you are, please come back.
Read 11:34 pm

T- I can't.

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T- Are you in danger?

Read 11:46 pm
Read 12 am
Mattheo, please.

I throw my phone off of the balcony in anger. I watch as it falls before crashing into the ground. I wish that was me. I wish I'd shatter to a million pieces too. I scream and I feel energy reflect away from me.

I open my eyes and climb over the railing. It won't hurt. I'll see Cedric again. This is worth it. Who will miss you anyways?

I close my eyes. "Taylor?" Someone asks.

I turn and see Stiles. "Go away." I order.

"What are you doing?" He continues.

"It doesn't matter, go away!" I yell, my hand slipping.

My feet slip off, but my forearm is grabbed and he pulls me back up. He throws me flat on my ass. "Ouch," I comment.

"Ouch?" He screams, "do you know what it would do to my brother if you died?"

"He doesn't care," I say quietly.

"He cares too much. How do you think I fucking felt when I got a frantic call from my brother saying he's worried about you? Or how he calls me every night to make sure you're doing ok?"

"He's the one who left!" I exclaim.

"For you! He did all of this for you!" He replies.

"That doesn't make sense," I scoff.

"Make it make sense." He orders.

"I can't!"

"You really think he would say he loved you if he didn't mean it?" He sneers.


"Your 'dream', wasn't a dream Sweetheart. Somehow, you're a siren. And Mattheo hid that from you to. To keep you happy. To keep you safe. He's at home with my father, trying to convince him that he hasn't gone soft, since you want to know so bad."

"I love him, Stiles. You have to bring him back," I mumble.

"Are you not listening?" He yells, grabbing my arm.

"Tisk tisk, brother," Mattheo says, appearing from thin air, "Avada-"

"Mattheo!" I yell, stepping in front of Stiles and glaring at Mattheo.

"Move, Taylor." He warns.

"No, you aren't killing him." I say strongly.

"Listen to your girlfriend, Theo," Stiles adds.

"Fuck!" Mattheo screams, throwing his wand.

Stiles rushes out and I hug Mattheo. He's bloodied up. He leans on the wall and sits down. "I'm- I'm not feeling very good," He groans, adding a forced smile.

 "I'm- I'm not feeling very good," He groans, adding a forced smile

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"What happened, Mattheo?"

"I had to stay away. He said of I got within a meter of you he'd Crucio me." He speaks, pain lingering in his voice.

"Why didn't you tell me-?"

"I couldn't text you either. Because I'm here, he basically said I'm worthless." A tear shudders from his eye.

I sit on his lap and bury my head in his chest. "I love you too, Theo," I say.

"W-what?" He asks.

"I'm super confused about the siren thing, but I know one thing for sure and it's that I love you." I state.

He nuzzles his head in the creek of my neck, his warm breath is reassuring.

"Never leave me again, Asshole." I warn.

"I won't, Princess."

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