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I stare at the wall. "It's been 2 days," Bellatrix points out, "He isn't coming to save you. So just tell us how you have it."

"I don't know." I say dully.

"When did it first happen?" She yells.

"When I was lost in the forest," I explain, "I was dreaming and slept walked into the forest."

"The other times?" She asks, smirking.

"When I needed help." I state.

"From Mattheo?" She connects the dots as I do.

"Yes." I quietly admit.

"Scream," She instructs.

I stay silent, staring emotionalessly at her. "Scream!" She yells, grabbing my arm. I try as hard as I can not to Scream, just to piss her off.

She cuts into my arm and I scream out. After years, she climbs off and leaves happily. She wrote, "worthless" on my arm.

"Mattheo!" I scream, hoping he can hear me.

Mattheo's POV:

Her screams haunt me. They follow me into my dreams. No matter what I'm doing I can hear her everytime she screams. I've been looking high and low for where she could be. There's only one place I haven't checked.

"Hello, Cissy," I say to Narcissa as she opens the door. Her face falls, she knows something, if not everything.

"Mattheo-" She starts nervously.

"Is she here?" I ask.

"Listen-" She continues.

I bolt past her and yell, "Taylor!"

"Theo!" I immediately hear her scream back.

I run as fast as I can down into the basement. "I'm here!" I scream.

Her reply is a tortured scream. I hit and slam on the door until someone aggressively grabs my shoulder back.

"Let me go!" I scream, locking eyes with my father.

"Don't you dare raise your voice to me, boy!" He yells, raising his wand, "crucio!"

I close my eyes tightly, but nothing happens. I hear Taylor's high pitched wail behind me. I turn and see the door is open and she's screaming, but to me, it isn't loud. To my dad, though, he's on the ground.

I join in, wailing as well until everyone falls unconscious, minus me and Taylor.

I turn back and she rushes into my arms.

I turn back and she rushes into my arms

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"You kissed Pansy," She cries.

"I didn't touch Parkinson," I assure.

"Theo, I saw it." She says.

"How?" I ask, "it wasn't- poly juice,"

"Poly juice?" She asks.

"I'll explain it later," I look around, "let's just get the fuck out of here."

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