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"So you decided on giving it time?" Draco asks.

"For now, yeah. We agreed to be friends, though." I say.

"That's good," He shrugs, "are we gonna piss Snape off today?"

"Not today, I'm just trying to get through my first day back at classes." I reply dully.

We walk in and I keep my books close to me until I sit them at my seat, right next to Mattheo.

"Hey, Riddle," I smile.

He smiles back, but has a look of guilt. Before I can ask, Snape speaks, "I'll be giving every group of 2 a potion. First to guess what their potion is gets 20 points for their house."

I sigh and Mattheo looks at me. "You look," He starts to compliment, "fine."  Why did he stop himself?

We're given a potion, Snape's giving us until tomorrow to figure it out. Mattheo barely talked to me the whole time. Probably because the potion was amortentia. I smelt vanilla, tobacco, and faint cologne. I know exactly who it is.

"Theo?" I ask as we exit, "what did you smell?"

"I don't know," He shrugs.

"I smelt you." I confess, "down to every detail."

"I smelt Pansy." He states, avoiding my eyes.

"What-" I ask.

"Parkinson!" He yells, "I smelt pugface!"

He storms away and I stand there, thinking.

"Taylor?" Someone taps me on the shoulder.

I turn around and see Draco. "Yes?" I ask.

"Have you been here since your potions class?" He asks.

"Yeah?" I question suspiciously.

He points off to the distance at a window. It's dark outside. But- I just got up.

"I must've zoned out," I say, feeling my head to see if it's warm.

"For 6 hours?" He asks.

"I- I don't know," I speak, not really paying attention to my words.

Draco walks me back to the common room. "You really need a room mate," Draco points out.

"I don't want a roommate." I debate, walking into my dorm.

"What about Mattheo?" He asks, wiggling his eyebrows.

I scoff, falling onto my bed. "Can I come in?" Satan in the flesh asks at the door.

"Sure," I holler.

He walks in and Draco groans, "are you gonna tell him or should I?"

"Tell me what?"

I cover my face with a pillow and don't respond.

"She 'zoned out' for 6 hours." Draco blurts.

"Snitches get stitches, Malfoy," I warn.

"Is she ok?" Mattheo speaks up.

"I'm right here, ask me." I raise up my hand.

"I don't know, she's a bit warm," Draco answers anyways.

Mattheo walks over and feels my forehead, "fucking hell, she's burning up."

"Guys, I'm fine." I scoff.

Draco gives me a worried look. "I'll stay with her." Mattheo assures.

Draco nods and leaves. "Theo, I don't need a babysitter." I tell him.

"I'm gonna be here when you're vomiting." He says anyways.

He sits in a chair facing me. "How am I supposed to sleep with you watching me?" I roll my eyes.

"Fine." He gives in, laying next to me.


I open my eyes and look around. "Theo?" I yell, my voice echoes against the walls.

I spin around, looking frantically for an escape. I'm in a pitch black room with pipes surrounding me.

There's a heavy pipe on my leg. "Theo!" I scream, trying to pry the pipe off.

I look around, tears kissing my cheeks. There's a shadowy dark figure in a corner. I grab out my phone and turn on the flashlight, it's gone.

I dial Mattheo's number. "Pick up, pick up, pick up," I whisper.

"Hello?" He asks groggily through the other side of the phone.

"Help," I say under my breath.

I hear him sit up, "where are you?"

"I don't know," I admit, trying to find the blurry figure again.

"What do you mean?" He orders.

"I woke up here. I think it's a basement." I mumble.

"Why are you whispering?" He asks.

"I don't think I'm alone."

Mattheo's POV:

I rub my eyes. "I don't think in alone."

"Describe what you see, Tay," I instruct.

Her phone vibrates, "oh shit. My phones about to die."

"Stay on the call as long as you can, Taylor." I jump up and get dressed. How could I have fallen asleep enough not to have noticed her sleep walking?

"Theo, I'm not there anymore." She whispers.

"What?" I pull on my shoes.

"I'm in the woods."

The call disconnects and hangs up.




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